(30) Consequences

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Two days. Two fricking days it took for these three to heal their injuries. Well Iida did get his arms busted badly and had to go through surgery so I suspect he may have to stay in a bit longer to completely heal.

As for the other two they got lighter injuries but still had to stay for a few check-ups and will probably be discharged today.

Also Endevour should thank me that his son didn't get killed but then again when was this man ever satisfied. The answer would be NEVER.

What angered me more was the stupid chief of the police in Hosu. This motherfucker doesn't know short cuts or how to say things straight. He just have to prolong everything.

For example after capturing Stain the police was fast to arrive and seeing me as the only student who declined treatment for any injuries after all I can take a few stabs here and there and be completely fine so they straight up took me for interogation which lasted for hours.

At first they asked basic information like my name, age, my family, ocupation, where I study and knowing that I'm an UA student they started asking me whether I was on an intership and with whom to which Endevour and that trash almost dared to say that I wasn't with him almost but despite that he verified that which made things easier well as easy as they can get.

That was until the chief asked me whether I had permission to use my quirk seeing as I didn't have a license yet. But lucky me I had permission both from my father and even the principal to which the chief didn't believe me at first as he knows Nezu and Nezu for a fact doesn't do things without a reason but after some time he did get the awaited confirmation.

So now I'm in the clear plus they even said that I can get all the credit for capturing the hero killer.

And this statement my friends didn't sit well with Endevour as he strongly tried objecting the idea but him not having strongs arguments his accusation was quickly rejected.

Now standing outside my classmates room waiting for the chief of the police to come and tell them the news personally.

"Hey Amy came to visit us" asked Midoriya who probably was talking on the phone.
"Yeah" was my only answer seeing as the bastard has finally come but he wasn't alone there were also Gran Torino and Manual Midoriya and Iida's supervisors.

"Come in miss Aizawa. Let's not waste any time woof"
'Woof' wondered Midoriya.
"Yeah yeah sure" I answered without a care in the world but seeing the clear confusion and worry drawn on Midoriya's face I decided it's better to clear some things.
"The police just wants to say a few things nothing serious" were my only words as the green head visibly relaxed.

"Good afternoon boys. I'm the chief of the police department in Hosu the name is Kenji Tsuragamae woof" he started as the other two boys stood up.
"No need for such formalities"

"You must be the other students who helped bringing down Stain, right?" "Yes" confirmed Iida.
"So as you may wonder what is the chief of the police doing here you'll find out soon.

Regarding the hero killer we arested. He had fairly serious injuries burn marks and broken bones and is currently receiving treatment under strict guard woof.

Since you're UA students you should already know that when superpowers were still becoming the norm the police attached a high importance in leadership and standards to make sure that quirks are not used as weapons. And soon after the profession of 'hero' emerged to full that gap, woof.

For an individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others actions that normally would be appropriate to denounce to be accepted officially is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the profession woof.

Even up against the hero killer for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their quirks without specific instruction from their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules to which you three and the pro heroes you're on Interships with must revieve punishment"

"Wait a minute. You do understand that if we didn't act Iida and pro hero Native would have been killed. If Midoriya didn't show up they would have already been dead. And to top it all no one realised that the hero killer had appeared. So are you saying we should have followed the rules and let them get killed"

"Todoroki shut up and let him finish" I said calming down the tension.
"As for you be more clearer" I say pointing towards the chief.

"I understand your concern Todoroki but what I was trying to say was that normally you should have received punishment if only the event was made public but thanks to your classmate and the fact there weren't any witnesses you'll be left of with a warning. Although the same cannot be said about your supervisors.

In the end the one who would get the public recognition and avoid any punishments will go to miss Aizawa as she was the only one who had the permission to use her quirk woof"

"Ehhhhh!!?? Really. That's awesome Amy" beamed Midoriya happily.
"But as someone who also protects the peace I can say thanks to all of you" he finished bowing as the other boys also apologised for breaking the rules and then thanked. After that the chief left.

"Please start with that next time" mumbled Todoroki.
"You should be grateful it was short because I wasn't left of the hook that easy neither did your supervisors" I stated.
"Yeah we'll still get a punishment" comented Manual.

"I'm so sorry Manual" apologised deeply Iida.
"And you better be you peace of shit" I started giving the biggest punch to the face Iida has ever seen making an instant bruise appear.

"If it weren't for your stupid revenge nobody would have been in this situation. Can you imagine what would have happened if Midoriya wasn't that lucky and I didn't find you soon enough, what if he didn't send his location and what if Todoroki wasn't fast enough"

'Damn she is one scary woman. Reminds me of someone' thought Gran Torino leaving the kids to their problems.

"I'm so sorry again Aizawa. I'm sorry for making you all worry" he apologised dearly.
"Don't apologise it won't do you anything. You just need to be more rational. Only rage and violence don't solve everything" I finished.
"Say that to Bakugou" commented Todoroki as if this was some serious matter which made everyone except him laugh.

In the end of the day as expected Midoriya and Todoroki were discharged. So now me and him are headed to his father's aggency to finish our Intership.

The last days were mostly the same but with the difference of Endevour making no more offensive comments. Which felt refreshing not that I cared before but still it isn't nice to work much less live in this type of environment.

Anyways it was an interesting experience and I can't wait to see how it went for the others especially for hedgehog. He'll definetely be pissed I finished slightly chuckling remembering his always explosive comments and complaints.
Damn I miss you you damn pomeranian.

E D I T E D 👏
Okay 2 chapters in one day that's what I'd call an acomplishment 😊. But anyways yeah 2 chapters added to the story. I hope you like them even though they are kinda short 😒 but it sure was hard especially the fight scenes from last chapter but I hope I did okay. Also I will try to upload a new chapter till the end of the week so wish me luck. 💜💜💜💜

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