(7) The Heroics Class

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School for the most part was alright if you don't count all the weird glances she got from the guys even some of the girls too.

But there where also the scared looks too. It apparently reached the ears of the other students that a villain will be on campus but it's not like she cared about them after all she wasn't here to make friends.

She was here for the free food and the coffee. After all she didn't get to sleep throughout all this so a good cup of coffee won't be bad.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn't feel the tap on her shoulder.

"Hey nice to meet you. I'm Mina" the girl now known as Mina greeted.
"Nice to meet you too I guess" Sombra returned the greeting  coldly ordering her food.
"Do you want something"

"Actually yes. I was wondering if you'd like to join my friends for lunch"
"Why" the young villain didn't try to hide the amusement behind her tone.

"Well for starters you don't seem like a bad person if you were we wouldn't be talking like normal people" the Pink haired girl stated.
"You do have a point. Who are your friends" she asked as Mina showed towards a table at the back where a yellow, black and red haired boys stood looking at them with worried expresions.

"I don't think that's rational and I'd rather stay alone than cause unnecessaty drama" the new girl finished taking her food and sitting at the other end of the lunchroom.

Sombra POV

This school may not be that bad actually if you exclude all the security cameras and stuff. Is that Big brother or something.

At least I won't have to worry about where I'll be staying as there are dormitories and such.

Wait what other classes are left. Let's see. Oh right we have Heroics class. Maybe I should go straight to the training hall and blow off some stream.

That didn't happen though to some circumstances.

"If you are going to stay here why don't you just come out and face me Katsuki Bakugo."
Just as I said that there could be heard a few muffled sounds and there he was standing.

"What brings you here or are you here because you are suspicious of me"
"No just came earlier because I didn't want to be near around those idiots" Bakugou answer yelled.

"Oh really I can understand you. And why so casually talk to me"
"Just felt like it. Nor too annoying nor stupid. You also seem like a person who has been through a lot" shrugged the blonde.

This left me speachless. Who could have thought that someone would be able to read me like that. But that's not important know as I put these thought aside keeping a blank face.

"What are you talking about"
"Don't play all stupid on me. I know you're hiding something and I'll find out your secret" he stated a smirk appearing on his face.
"I'd like to see you try. Anyways class is about to start and I'd like to prepare for my next class" I finished excusing myself and going to the changing rooms.

'Tch. I'll uncover your secret dumbass' the blonde thought having a new priority at hand as he himself made his way to the boys changing rooms.

Not long after he said that the bell rang and everyone came.

Dammit and here I thought that I could have some piece and quiet. Luckily no one questioned why me and Bakugo were here before anyone else instead they didn't bring it up and went  straight to the changing rooms as the teacher appeared shortly after.

"Okay class today's training will be different. We are going to have team combat training because..." Aizawa began explaining till I interupted.

"Why it's not neceserry plus I don't like team stuff and I don't think someone would actually pair with me. Not to say we are uneven. So how about a sparing match with the whole class"

"Are you opposing my decision"
"Hell yeah I am. I didn't think that you'd be willing to even put me and them in a team. That's so irrational"
"Fine have it your way" Aizawa shot back.

"Geez calm down I'm not going to eat or kill your precious students. I can't use my quirks remember"
"WHAT!! Quirks!!?" the whole class yelled now realising what I had said. That made me smirk which horrorfied them even more.

"Quiet down and let's begin"
The whole class stared for a moment until a few of them Kaminari, Mineta, Ashido, Aoyama launched themselves at me but to their luck it only took me one step to break their formation and dodge their attacks as they nullified each others' quirks thus knocking themselves out.

After that Iida tried a kick to the head to knock me out but he left himself wide open as I elbowed him straight to the ribs maybe bruising a few but nothing serious.

Next were Sero, Tokoyami, Ojiro and Shoji who actually tried to think of a plan to immobilise me but that still wasn't enough to stop me.

So the only person who stood up and went to challenge her was none other than Bakugou.

That caught her off guard as he used his quirk to accelerate himself closer and attack her but with no luck she simply waited till he was close enough to get ahold of his right hand and simply threw him over her shoulder making him fall on the hard floor.

Still he managed to stand up woobling and continued throwing fists, and kicks and explosions until she grabed him for the leg and twisted him not enough to break a bone but just enough to knock him out of balance as she pinned him down holding him tight.

And everyone who still hasn't taken part that being Kirishima, Todoroki, Midoriya (who wasn't going to participate because he still couldn't control his quirk), Koda and all the girls except Mina were taken aback.

They just couldn't move. Frozen from fear as one of the strongest people in the class was defeated in under 5 minutes without the help of a quirk just raw power. That's when Aizawa decided to stop the training. He got ahold of quite interesting information like how much dangerous she could be with just raw power and  how his class lacks at simple hand to hand combat.

But just as everything settled that's when a few simple words took the teacher of class 1A of guard.

"Hey sensei Amy wanted to say hi."
That ran chills down his spine as he caught her in his binding cloth activating his quirk as the whole class backed down from the furious teacher since they haven't seen their teacher show much of an emotion rather much less lose his temper. And I say he was so pissed off.

"How do you know about that" asked distroused the teacher. In answer she just grinned.
"Tell me" he repeated as he tightened his grip.
"And if I say no what can you do kill me. Torture me. You can't. And you couldn't even find a simple girl so what can you do?" she finished laughing straight at his face. As she felt the grip on her body loosen up as she broke free.

But not satisfied with the lack of response from the man she decided that out of her own free will that he at least needs to know this. So she kneeled down beside him whispering something only he could hear giving him some peace of mind.

After the little drama was over she quietly left as if nothing had ever happened a few tears spilling.

"She's safe" was what Sombra told him but was she?

E D I T E D 👏

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