(31) Don't Worry Me

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With the end of the Interships it was time to return back to school. Usually most people wouldn't want it to end dreading the thought of ever returning to school but that cannot be said for Amy.

She would rather spend time at school than having to deal with Endevour's bullshit, encountering Stain again and saving your classmates' lifes and to top it all to dealing with the police. So it was exhausting but at the same time fullfiling to her. Opening the door of the classroom all eyes were on her.

"Good morning Amy I heard the news. Congratulations on capturing the hero killer"
"Uhh how do you know it was me. Last time I checked my name wasn't mentioned"

"Well it's true but it did mention an UA student and who other than you could be dumb enough to engage with a villain" the pink haired girl stated.

'Maybe the three idiots over there duh' the ravenete thought glaring daggers.

"Okay you do have a point. You know you may not be the smartest when it comes to school related stuff but if it's about the latest gossip you could rival even me"

"So it really is true. No wonder these three act strange" said Uraraka pointing towards Midoriya Iida and Todoroki.

"Holly crap!!! What the hell Bakugou" screamed Kirishima and Sero seeing the 'change' in Bakugou.
'Don't you dare laugh Amy' she mentally scolded herself.

"Don't laugh you shitheads. My hair's gotten used to it even though I fucking washed it. Did you not hear me I'll kill you" he finished steam coming out of his ears.
"I'd like to see you try pretty boy" "WHAT DID YOU SAY" he screamed as his hair spiked to its usual unrully way.

"It's back" Kirishima and Sero said at the same time as the angry blonde started chasing them around the classroom.

"Guys don't laugh at him I think it would suit him if it was better styled" Amy commented moving closer to the upset blond and taking out a comb to comb through the hair again but this time flipping the hair on the other side.
'How' the boys wondered.

"See this looks better" she finished moving out the way to show her masterpiece

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"See this looks better" she finished moving out the way to show her masterpiece.
"Nope still bad" interupted Sero. "Dude you messed up big time" tried Kirishima warning seeing the change in Amy.
"What did you just say" repeated Amy an irk mark appearing on her forehead.

"U-uhm I think I should go"
"Run boy run" joked Kirishima as the other boy dashed out the door.
"Don't brother Em I'm sure he didn't have ill intentions it's just that's Blasty you know. His hair resembles the anger he has and that is why it's better spiked" Mina tried reasuring.

All the time Bakugou ignored them all while being in his own world.
'Not that bad' thought Bakugou inspecting his hair which was neetly slicked and brushed through slightly blushing at her gesture.

"Daaaaamn who is that pwetty boy over here. I'm sorry but I think you've mistaken the place pwetty boy" joked Kaminari just entering the classroom. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY" screamed Bakugou as his hair returned to its spiked way AGAIN.

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