(41) The Calm Before The Storm

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Short chapter 🥲

So far things have been going well both for teachers and students. Thanks to some precautions their location hasn't been revealed yet and everyone was glad for it.

Despite knowing each other for three days some might think Amy and Kota have known eachother their whole lives and despite having completely different backgrounds they have had that one special bond.

"Amy can you please come here quickly" the so called best friend of the said girl requested.
"What is it"
"Since tonight there is a game: test of courage I was wondering if it is possible can we be in a team please" the pink acid quirk user asked.

"Sure I don't mind but you do know that you have classes with my father up until late and you'd most likely miss it"
"Yeah but still can you also talk him out of it just for tonight pretty please. I promise I'll study harder the next day"

'I see but not under my watch'

"So that's what you really wanted almost got me there girl buuut unfortunately I can't and I don't want to" the multi-quirk user stated breaking through her friend's plan. It's not like she didn't want to belp her but Mina has to learn from her mistakes so nwct time she doesn't repeat them.

"Whyyyy" the said girl whined in defeat.
'Damn it but I really wanted to go though' she signed mentally coming to terms with the results.

"Fine fine but you owe"
"Keep telling yourself that"

The day stretched out longer than expected with nothing interesting in particular happening and soon came the night and with the sudden change between light and darkens the test of courage began and the pairings were established. Some good and some bad ones.

'I don't know about Bakugou and Todoroki teaming up' the ravenete thought.

But at this point Amy could care less about such trivial things as she quite enjoyed her own company than taking part in such childish games which would never thrill her at all but mught as well put her to sleep while at it.

Though Kota was nowhere to be found but if she had to guess he would most likely be at the hill. Still she was quite intrigued by him not in a weird way of course but then again something worried her and for the first time since coming to terms with her oast she felt unsettled like she was being watched but when she turned around there was no one to be found but deep down she knew that after every calm there is a big storm approaching and oh boy was she damn right about that.

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