(25) A Visit To The Principle's Office

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P r e v i o u s l y

"What are you doing here"
"None of your business"
"Tell me" he urged but before she could amswer there was a call.

"Can Aizawa Amy come to the Principal's office. Thank you" the voice of the principal echoed in the hallways.

"Maybe some other time Bakugo" Amy finisbed leaving the boy standong in the hallway.



In the end of the day things couldn't get any worse as now I'm making my way towards the principal's office.

Shortly after I find myself at the door and knocking slightly I'm greeted with him.

The white bear/mouse principal of UA who is said to be the smartest person I mean in this case animal.

"Hello miss Aizawa. How are you today. Would you like some tea"
"No thank you sir"
"Oh why the formalities after all we know each other already plus I know your parents quite well"

"What you knew my mother too"

"Well of course. She went to this school too in the Gen. education class. And to tell you this she was an outstanding student who had a lot of potential as she could even make it to the Hero course but she declined that offer.

She was one strong and independent woman just like you. Sadly she didn't live long but she did live it to the fullest and giving birth to such a beautiful and talanted daughter"

"Why are you telling me this"

"Good question. Well I suspect you'd like to know a bit about your mother as a person before I get to the important part. As I was saying she was great at every aspect but lacked one thing and that was true self value. Oh and maybe manners" he slightly laughed.

"She would do anything even if that meant sacrifisimg herself. Most people compare you to your father but in reality I think you resemble your mother. And I know you don't know her in that light but that was until she gave birth to you"

"How do you know all this"

"How? Well I'm the principal of the best hero school and the principal who knew your parents the longest so it's safe to say that they trusted me enough to share their personal life with me to some extent.

But before I continue I want to ask you this. Do you know why I agreed to accept you in UA even though you were a villain or vigilante to be exact"

"Wasn't it some stupid programme which allows for young villains to repent for their crimes and to be able to live a normal life "

"Yes but let me perifrase the question. Why do you think I chose you specifically. After all count less of people your age have been captured but none of them were included in such a program"

Hearing this for the first time Amy didn't have an answer and this frustrated her a little but she decided to let him answer.

"I chose you because I saw something similar. Something or someone that I've seen before. That person was your mother of course. She too had a bad mouth and she too didn't care for her appearance or other people's oppinions as she didn't come from a warm and lovely family. Her hair style was iconic too.

As she came from a run-down orphanage where if you survive the next day was considered a miracle. But as time passed she changed as her biggest change was of course you. So I believe you too could change for the better starting with first telling me what were you and your father discussing behind my back"

'Oh shit'

~After an hour of explaining her plan~

"Interesting miss Aizawa. As bright as your mother. But please do inform me in advance so I'll be able to give you my thoughts on the events and decide whether or not I would allow that but since I don't see the harm in it this time I will allow it"

"Does this mean you approve of it"
"Yes I do but only this time since I'm quite interested in the results"

"Thank you so much Nezu"
"No problem kid after all I was great friends with your mother and feel free to come to me if you have questions" he finished sending her off.

E D I T E D 👏

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