(37) Amy Vs Endevour

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Hey everyone I'm back with another chapter as I tried to put a little more effort in it and I finally included the last quirk of Amy's so I hope I managed to interpretate it. Hope you enjoy the chapter as I know tha last few weren't of my best ones but I tried to make things a bit slower so as the next chapters will have a bit more action and a bit less cuteness and more matute content starting from this one.

*a lot of changing scenes and point of view for which I'm so sorry 😢
* mention of killing


"Final match Aizawa vs Endevour" the robot announces as I'm waiting for Trashdevour to come. Sometimes I even amaze myself at how much hatred I can hold against someone but hey that's just me being myself.

"Oi eyes on me after all you are about to see a pro in action" he says as he charges at me and just before he reaches me I make my move by erasing his quirk and kicking him to the nearest building.

"Tch. Not bad but I want to see the other quirk too you know not this excuse for a quirk" he insults spitting blood.

"Don't call my Father's quirk shitty" I scream activating my second quirk blood already seeping from my veins. "Let the show begin"

At the infirmary

It's dark and cold.Where the hell am I. I struggle finding it hard to breathe. "Quick bring her to operation section 3 subject number 9869 needs a blood transfusion"

"But sir she keeps rejecting it"
"That's not of any importance"
"Doctor we are losing her. Quick give her a shot of the trigger"
"But we already gave her two shots before that it's dangerous as it is"
"I'll kill you this instant if you don't do as I say" the doctor threatens the nurse I asume as she injects a white liquid and soon enough the room erupts in bloodcurling screams as I suddenly wake up in cold sweat.

Taking a few deep breath I make up my surroundings. 'The infirmary great' I quietly mumble seeing as nobody except me is here.

Jumping out of bed I make my way towards the bathroom attached to the room when the reflection on the mirror catches my attention. Ghostly pale figure with bloody red eyes which seem to shine in the dimly light room and slightly sharper canines. It's as if the figure is staring back at me.

"I look like shit" I grumble splashing water on my face ignoring my appearance as I make my way towards the other extras.

"Oh Bakubro you're here" Shitty hair says.
"Of course and could you shut up you're too loud and you're giving me a headache"

"Sorry bro" he apologises in a more normal tone which was still loud for my liking.

But my attention is quickly taken to the screen. There stood she on one knee clutching her side her hair halfway white eyes bloodshot already indicating she was reaching her limit. On the other side stood Endevour just as tired and injured the only deference is that he didn't seem to have overused his quirk.

'Tch. I don't like where this is going'

"Something wrong man you are quite pale you know" asked tape dispenser. "Just peachy"

*Gasp* "Kacchan you shouldn't be up"

"Fuch off Deku I'm fine"
"But you were unconscious and Recovery girl said she couldn't heal you completely so you should be in bed"
"Is that true Bakugou"
"It doesn't concern you so drop it"

'Fucking four eyes and Deku trying to pray into my business' I mumble the migraine becoming more unbearable as a clutch my head.

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