(15) She Who Changed Me

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And at some point I snapped. I don't know what really happened but whatever happened helped me escape leaving their whole base in ruins and all their time and efforts in vain. But still nothing changed about me. I was free from that place but not from the damage they had done.

I still ached to see my dad and mom so I spent the next year and a half in search of my parents. While I did see a lot of people they were just afraid of me and left me with the words 'don't worry a hero will come to save you' but that hero never came and I felt more lonely than ever until SHE came.


It wasn't a hero of course she was a small time villain who was just simply misunderstood. Yeah she did kill people and heroes but there was a reason of course as they were people corrupted for fame, money, power. People long gone to the point of no return.

She killed them but for a good reason.

Her name was Sombra. Sombra taught me many things like how to survive on the streets, how to use knifes and different types of weapons, how to act like woman and the most important thing which was irreplasable and that was the power of information.

Because information was the key to success and power. If you have it you will be the most feared person on the planet.

And like that she was to be feared so to get rid of her they used her strenght as her weakness. At the time there was a newly formed gang known as the Yakuza gang which were a big threat to her so we always had to change locations. And that's one of the reasons why there was no back up for her.

They even knew about her not having a quirk and they managed to use some of her people against her.

Their plan did take awhile to be put into action because Sombra was secretive person but in the end they got what they needed and made a plan.

Also don't ask me how I got this information but just remember there are ways.

And on that fateful night on Dec 23 year **** was when in happened. I was at our old base waiting for the preparatuoms to be done until we had to change locations yet again. Sombra was on patrol that night saying let it be the last night before we leave. And it definetely was her last.

I had no problem with it and didn't suspect anything to happen so it was okay. But how wrong was I.

As days went by and soon turned into weeks and weeks turned into months she never returned.

I was devastated not upset and angry thinking that she left me and went on her own to find happines without me.

That was until her right handed man who was from the only few people who knew about me and was the owner of our supposed new location.

He wore a grim expression and wore all black. His posture was sulken too and his eyes were puffy as if he was crying.

That's when I clickrd to me that Sombra is dead.

They had found her body but it was so dicomposed that they had barely recognised it at first but when the news broke about her death everything changed.

That's when I felt how it feels to be powerless. Powerless due to my incompentence and my lack of understanding.

Powerless that I wasn't there with her during her worst time. So I decided to take the role of the new Sombra. The Sombra of the future.

After two and a half years which were one of the best I decided to abandon everything and take the role as a hero from the shadows more known as vigilante or a villain whatever you like.

But to do that I changed my entire look and objective.

I took all the basic stuff including clothes, food, water, a knife and my favourite UZI, a med kit and the device because of which I am well known my laptop.

Then it was time to change my appearance. From an asian look to more on the western side going from ravenete haired girl to more of a tomboy with purple half shaved hair.

And just like that the 11-year old innocent little girl died and became one of the most feared women in whole Japan under the name Sombra.

And what was the girl's name.

Her name was Amy.

Aizawa Amy

E D I T E D 👏

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