(38) Resemblence

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Finally the exams are over. Some passed them others failed. Some came out without a scratch while others *cough* Amy and *ahem* Bakugou and Midoriya did sustain injuries.

Also for some unknown 'reason' Endevour was put into custody of the police and for other strange reason he hasn't said anything at all after he woke up from a coma nor did he make any announcement.

As all the students from class 1A and B loaded the bus and took of for their training camp even the ones who failed to which they will have to take extra classes. Saying the students weren't excited would be an underastiment as almost everyone on the bus was in one way or another engaged in a conversation.

"So how does it feel to see yourself being carried by your rival" mocked Amy.
"Don't rub it in you bitch" growled an angry and slightly embarrassed Bakugou trying not to break the phone he was holding.

"Says the bitch that passed out. At least I finished my exam" she stated proudly.
"Last I remember you too were about to pass out"
"That's not true look I have the video on my dad's phone"

'How noisy' thought Aizawa ignoring the small quarel between her daughter and problem child 2

"Tch. Show off"
"Are you jealous" she laughed.
"You wish" he finished smirking wide leaning closer towards her their eyes meeting. Fiery red clashing with midnight black. Realising what they were doing both blushed deep red so red that they would put Kirishima's hair to shame.

Not long after that they both fell asleep and without realising it they had leaned closer towards each other each.

"Come on guys quick before they wake up or we'll be dead" whispered a familiar voice slightly waking up Amy.
"Who will wake up" she mumbled.

"Ohh n-no one Amy we were just talking about uhmm"
"We were talking about boys" finished another person.
"Oh. Why am I not surprised" the ravenete exclaimed nuzling her face closer to what she was leaning on to get more comfortable eyes closed the whole time.
"It's not like I'm interested in your stupid crushes on the actors of the film what was it called Vampire diaries "

"Yeah you got the name but it's not a film but a serial and I swear if you dare say that Damon isn't someone to crush on...."

"Yeah yeah I get it he's handsome but not really my type"
"I know because you seem to like people with blonde hair and...."
"Just shut up already racoom eyes and let me sleep for fucksake"
"Okay Blasty whatever you say" ended Mina backing away smirking pointing the spot next to him. Seeing what she meant he almost died from embarrasment as next to him again layed Amy eyes still closed thank fucking god.

'Fuck mee' he thought adjusting himself  and moving Amy away from him.

Not long enough and the bus stopped but yoon exiting the nus they were up for a surprise seeing they were in the middle of nowhere.

"Well hello hello everyone we are the Pussy cats and we welcome you to your first task"

"First whaaa-" Mina couldn't finish as the ground started moving.

"What the hell dad" screached Amy feeling right awake as her insticts kicked in wiping out mud monsters left and right the rest of the students following close behind.

When reaching the said location she stumbled upon reaching exhaustion. And just before hitting the ground someone caught her from behind.
"Be fucking careful emo chick"
"Thanks for the help but not really" she playfully pushed him of her.

"Wow you sure are talanted" praised Pixie-Bob refering to Amy, Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki.
"They sure have potential" comented Mandalay going towards Aizawa.

"Yeah yeah could have given us a location but whatever I'm too tired to argue" said Amy going straight towards the nearest building.

"That's a nice class you have Eraserhead. Haven't seen such in a while. Plus this girl with the black hair kind of reminds me of Maya"
"She sure does" he smiled at his daughter.

"A smile. That's new" she stated his smile just as fast disappearing.
"How have you been. I hadn't had the chance to get in touch with you after her death. You know she was a great friend of mine"
"I know"

"How has Kouta been lately you know after the accident"
"Nothing much but I'm worried. Even though I tried to reason with him and tried to explain to him about his parents things took a turn for the worse. He still thinks his parents left him so as to save other people"

"I'm sure he'll be Okay"
"Why is that"
"Well there are quite a few people here who will try and prove a point" he said just when the same kid Kouta kicked in the crotch one of the students preferebly Midoriya as not far behind Bakugou was laughing his ass off and Todoroki making up assumptions about the kid and Bakugou being related.

~Dinner time~

"Wow Bakugou you are really good with a knife"
"What the hell do you mean Round face. How can someone be bad at this"
"Ouch you hurt me there" pouted Amy as she wasn't the best of cook.
"Well you better learn fast or we'll die of hunger" said the annoyed blonde throwing a knife at her.
"Wow be careful with throwing knifes you could have hurt someone"
"Like you could die from it"

"Thanks for the food"
"Damn this is so good" exclaimed Kirishima and Kaminari devourung the food.
"Momo I see that you can stomach quite a lot of food"
"That's right Sero I do. That's because the lipids from the food I ate later on I use to make all these different objects. So the more I eat the more I can make"

"Just like poop" said out loud the ravenete boy upseting her. "Apologise" interupted Jirou hitting him straight to the jaw.
"Jeez can't a girl eat in peace" mumbled Amy finishing her food and making her way towards the showers.

"Boys sure are brother" started Mandalay.
"No joke"
"So how was the forest of monsters"
"It wasn't that bad really after all I've gotten used to this"
"Really. How so"
"As if I'd tell you. It's personal. Also why the sudden interested in me"
"I don't know. It's just you remind me of a friend of mine. She was like you blunt but at the same time considerate"

"Yeah she passed away long time ago and I really miss her. She was one of my closest friends throughout middle school up until high school. We were always together and even at some time people thought we were dating" she stopped remembering the good old times.

"She wasn't the easiest to talk at first but when you get to know her she was the sweetest person out there. At some time I had a crush on her but then she started dating and soon after graduation she married and had a kid"

"That's one interesting story there"
"Yeah it is. What's your name girl"
"My name is Amy"
"Amy. Aizawa Amy" and at that Mandalay stopped breathing. Did she hear that correct or was her mind paying tricks with her. Was this really the child of her best friend who died and the same kid that disappeared at the crime scene never to be seen again.

"Are you okay" asked Amy moving her hand left and right as she was engulfed in a hug.
"Oh thank god you are okay"
"What are you talking about" hissed Amy trying to break from the hug.
"It's just I missed you so much kitty"
'Kitty wait I remember that nickname. This was...'
"Aunty Shino"
"That's right kitty. It's me aunty Shino. Oh how have I missed you"
"Me too"

"So you finally reunited with each other"
"Shota/dad why did you tell me she was my niece/aunt"
"I don't know it slipped out of my mind plus I didn't think it wouldn't be of much importance"
"To you maybe but you could have said that she was found and the case was closed" raged Mandalay.
"I know but there were some circumstances preventing me from revealing this information. And no the case hasn't been closed yet. There are still some things that haven't been found"

"If you say so"

"Okay I'll just leave you here and go to my friends. Talk to you later aunty" said the girl leaving the adults alone.

"What was that about. Did I say something bad" Mandalay asked in a worried tone.
"Not really but that topic is a touchy subject for her so I suggest you don't bring it up Infront of her. Please"
"Of course Shouta anything for her"

E D I T E D 👏

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