Malfoy's Plan

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Draco's POV 

As soon as Hermione and (Y/N) left the class, everyone started talking and looking at me as if I was some type of freak or something. 

Oh, the Blood Traitor desires you Draco, that's hilarious.  Pansy said laughing and the rest of Slytherins laughed as well except for Blaise 

Miss Parkinson fifteen points from Slytherin. Mad-Eye Moody said, the class kept staring at me

You can stop looking now. I snapped and the class went quiet, Mad-Eye Moody looked at me in a really weird way. 

Mr. Malfoy, do you have something else to say?  Mad-Eye Moody said 

No. I said angrily and I left the class, I went directly to my dormitory. Now I know that (Y/N) still likes me, I need to speak to Granger as soon as possible, but I need to do something first, so I decided to wait. I left my dormitory and went to the common room there were some people there. 

Hello Draco. Pansy said in a flirty tone 

Pansy, I don't have time for you and your stupid flirting. I said 

What are you going to do? Go look for the blood traitor?  Pansy snapped and every single person in the common room stared at us 

Don't provoke me. I said coldly 

I know that you like her, but I don't know why she's a stupid Gryffindor. and why would a Slytherin ever be with a Gryffindor? You should be with me. Pansy shouted 

I would never be with you, I don't even like you. I said 

Haha, that's not true you love me. Pansy said 

You know Pansy, you are annoying as fuck. I snapped 

That's not true. Pansy shouted 

You screw everything up. I said 

Liar, I'm not annoying and bet your parents like me more and they would never approve (Y/L/N). Pansy shouted

My parents think that you are annoying, everyone thinks you are annoying, is just that no one has told you that. I said angrily, I glanced at Blaise he was laughing and he showed me the thumbs up. Everyone in the common room was surprised. I left the common room, I have been waiting to say that to Pansy for so long. I went looking for Granger, I went directly to the library because normally she's always there. I spotted granger sitting alone thankfully. 

Granger. I said 

Malfoy, what do you need?  She asked 

Ugh, your help. I said 

With what? She asked, she was still writing on her parchment 

With (Y/N) of course. I said 

Okay, but speak fast because she went to the restroom and she could be back at any moment. She said 

First, has she talked about me?  I asked 

Of course, she has, didn't you see what happened earlier? She wants to be with you. Hermione said and rolled her eyes 

 I know what happened, Granger, I also confronted Pansy. I said 

You what?  Hermione said surprised 

I confronted pansy, she was being really mean, all the bad things that had happened between (Y/N) and I have been because of her, what else did (Y/N) tell you?  I asked 

She wants to forgive you but she thinks that you are going to hurt her again, and she hasn't taken off the necklace that you gave her. Hermione said 

Really? I asked, that made me happy. 

Yes, also, promise that you are not going to hurt her again. Hermione said 

I'm not gonna hurt her again, I promise. I said 

This is hard for me to say but I believe you, now, do you have a plan? Hermione said 

Yes, kind of. I said 

What is it?  She asked 

Tonight, midnight, The Astronomy Tower. I said confidently 

Okay, let me think something, now leave before someone sees you speaking with me. She said 

Thank you, Granger. I said

You are welcome, Malfoy, I'm trusting you. She said and I left the library, I can't believe she said that. 

Y/N' s POV

I went back to the library and I sat down next to Hermione to finish some stuff, then we packed our things and went to the dormitory to drop our stuff, we were now in the common room, people looked at me and whispered but I didn't care at this point, out of nowhere Ginny appeared 

Guys! Guys!  Ginny said running toward Hermione and i 

Hi Ginny. We said 

Have you heard?  She asked 

What?  I asked 

Malfoy confronted Pansy. Ginny said 

Really? Hermione asked 

Yes! Ginny said 

Who told you that?  I asked 

A girl from Hufflepuff. Ginny said 

Do you know why? Hermione asked 

Not really, well I'm gonna go now, see you guys! Ginny said and she left again

Guess we will find out at dinner. I said 

Yes. Hermione said and we left the common room to go for dinner. On our way to The Great Hall, everyone was looking at me and whispering, we arrived and sat down. I looked at the Slytherin table, Pansy wasn't there, but I could notice that some Slytherin boys were saying "Well done"  to Draco, I looked to Draco and our eyes met, he smiled at me and I felt butterflies. 

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