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It was now Saturday, some people were still confused about seeing me and Draco together. These past few days I was spending some time with Draco, and some time with my friends. I really wanted to try to get Draco and my friends to get along with each other, Hermione was really trying to get along with him, but I had a plan. Today Draco and I were going to go to Hogsmeade on a date now that we were officially together and we don't need to hide anymore. Draco was waiting for me outside the Gryffindor common room. 

Morning love. Draco said kissing me on my cheek 

Good morning Draco. I said with a big smile on my face.

Ready to go? He asked  

Sure! I said. Draco holds my hand and we walked to Hogsmeade.

Did you have a good sleep? Draco asked

Yes, I was thinking about you before I went to sleep, and you?  I asked giggling 

Darling, I know you can't stop thinking about me, you love me, I sleep well: He said laughing, I haven't heard DRacos laugh in so long 

Oh, shut up. I said laughing, he smiled at me we continued walking. We finally arrived at The Three Broomsticks, we ordered two butter beers and talked for a while, after we finish our drinks, I wanted to go to the stores, of course, we went into Honeydukes first, I bought something for Draco, I know he doesn't like sweets as much as I do, but I'll try to convince him to try something green apple flavored, then we went to Tomes and Scrolls a book shop,  I wanted to get something interesting. 

Hey (Y/N)? Draco said

Yes? I asked 

Come with me. Draco said, I followed him, we entered a jewelry shop, to be honest, I didn't know there was a jewelry shop in Hogsmeade, it was a really nice place, I was just looking around. After some minutes Draco approached me, and we left and went back to the castle. It wasn't that late, we were going to The Great Hall to eat something.

Come sit with me. Draco said 

Are you sure? I asked 

Yeah. Draco said I sat at the Slytherin table, Blaise was there as well, many Slytherins were looking but I didn't care. We were for a while chatting and eating.

I need to go to my dormitory for my books, remember we are going to do homework together. I said 

Yes, I'll meet you at the library in 30 minutes. Draco said, so I left The Great Hall and went to the dormitory, Hermione was there 

Hello Hermione! I said 

Hi! How was Hogsmeade?  Hermione asked 

It was good, I had a really good time with Draco.  I said 

Lovely, so why are you back early? Hermione asked 

So, I wanted to ask you for a favor.  I said 

Yeah? What is it? Hermione asked 

I want Draco and you guys to get along with each other. I said  

Oh, for me it would be a problem but Harry and Ron, it would be a little more difficult, what do you have in mind? Hermione said 

In like 20 minutes Draco and I are going to meet in the library to do some homework and I was thinking that you guys should join. I said

Does Malfoy know about this?  Hermione ask

No. I said 

Well, I know how I can get Harry and Ron to the library. Hermione said 

Great, see you there then. I said 

Okay, see you! Hermione said and I left the dormitory 



Hey guys so sorry for the late update and the short chapter I'll try to update again this week. these past days school has been crazy. thank you so much for the support  

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