The Announcement

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The next few days I was trying to avoid Malfoy and his friends. I couldn't avoid Malfoy all the time because we were partners in potions class, in potions class, we weren't talking, we only talked if we needed to but I was all potions related. I was still thinking about what Malfoy had said to me the other night at the Black Lake, It seemed that he was actually telling the truth, but you can expect a lot of thing coming from a Malfoy. I was lost in my thoughts, suddenly I felt that someone was shaking me. 

Earth to (Y/N). Harry and Hermione said to me 

Are you alright (Y/N)?  Ron asked 

You have been like this for days. Harry exclaimed 

Yes, I'm okay, I'm just thinking some stuff. I said 

Remember we need to go to the transfiguration classroom Professor McGonagall has an announcement to make to the Gryffindor's I wonder what would it be. Hermione said excitedly. We started going to the classroom, everyone seemed excited and curious. I was talking to Hermione and she suddenly blushed, I looked behind and it was Viktor Krum. 

OMG Hermione, do you like him? I said 

Of course not. Hermione said in a nervous tone. I continued walking with Hermione, and I saw that Malfoy was standing near us with his friends, he was smirking again, I rolled my eyes, I pulled Hermione by the arm and started to walk faster until we arrived at the transfiguration classroom.

What is going on with you? Hermione said and glanced backward and she saw Malfoy 

Ah! Malfoy?! Is there something you want to tell me? She said I haven't told anyone what had happened with Malfoy the other night at the Black Lake 

Nothing, well Malfoy apologize to me the other day. I said whispering 

WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Hermione exclaimed 

Hermione lower your voice, and no I'm not kidding. I said whispering again  

And what did you said to him? She asked finally whispering 

Nothing I left running, don't say a word to Harry or Ron please, now come on we need to enter the transfiguration classroom. I said, Hermione nodded, I could notice that she didn't expect that at all, we finally arrived at the classroom, the class was divided into boys sitting in one part of the class and the girls in another, we sat next to Ginny, McGonagall entered to the class 

The Yule Ball has been a tradition of The Triwizard Tournament, on Christmas Eve night, everyone gathers in the Great Hall for the night. I expect that each and every one of you will attend. The Yule Ball is a dance. McGonagall finishes saying, all the girls we exited, the boys not so much. 

Silence! To dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl, a secret swan slumber, longer to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley. She said 

Yes?  Ron said terrified and nervously 

Will you join me, please? McGonagall extended her hand to Ron, and Ron got up you could tell easily that he didn't like that, he was going to slow dance with Professor McGonagall, they started dancing, it was so funny to look at Ron's face. Harry, Fred, and George were whispering stuff to each other and they were laughing. 

Everybody come together. Boys on your feet. McGonagall exclaimed, automatically all the girls stood up, but the boy was sitting down, Neville was the only boy who stood up. We then left the classroom all the girls seemed really exited. 

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