Back to Hogwarts

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Hey guysss! This is my first story I hope you like it!!

I want to clear somethings Before you start reading, you are a gryffindor and it's your fourth year at Hogwarts, you are best friends with the golden trio, you are a pureblood, your parents work at the Ministry Of Magic

(Y/N) Your name
(Y/L/N) Your last name
(H/C) Your hair color
(E/C) Your eye color

Hope you enjoy it 


This is my fourth year at Hogwarts my parents told me that this will be a very special year at Hogwarts, they didn't told me much but I'm really excited!! I can't wait and see my friend I missed them so much! I couldn't go to the quidditch cup with them, I needed to stay at home with my parents. I'm positive that this year will be really good!

Hogwarts Express

Today it's finally time to go back to Hogwarts, I woke up at 8 o'clock to take a shower and be ready on time to head to the platform, I put on a pair of jeans and my favorite sweater. I have breakfast alone because my parents needed to go to the Ministry of Magic. I checked the clock and I notice that it was almost 10:00 am and I needed to hurry up, I gather all my things together,  I told to the house Elf that has worked for my family for almost 20 years now,  it's time to go. We aparate on Kings Cross Station, and it's nearly 10:30, I grab a cart and put my things and my owl in there. I go in between platforms 9 and 10, in a blink I'm in platform 9 3/4, finally I'm going back to the place that makes me happy.
I started to look for my friends but I couldn't find them so i decide to look for a place to sit inside the train, but just before i hop inside the train I see the platinum blonde hair and I immediately  recognize that it was Draco Malfoy the person I hated the most in this world. He thinks he's better that everybody else, since the first year of Hogwarts we hated each other, he's an asshole, he's always insulting me, calling me a blood traitor and many other names, just because I'm friends with Hermione Granger and The Weasley's (even though the Weasley's are purebloods as well).

I see that your "friends" left you alone, I think they just hate you now, you see. I hear Malfoy saying that out loud, Crabe, Goyle, and Pansy started laughing at me.

Leve me alone Malfoy. I say. I try to leave Malfoy and the others behind,  I finally find I place to sit down and wait for my friends. It's 10:55, Harry, Ron, and Hermione finally arrive and sat down with me.

Hey (Y/N), We missed you at the quidditch cup. They say out loud

Hey guys! I missed you too!. I said with a happy tone

How was summer?  Harry asked

Pretty boring, I didn't do much, how was the cup?  I asked curiously 

Didn't you hear? Death Eaters appeared after the game. Said Ron concerned

Oh my god, no I didn't, tell me everything. I said

The three of them started talking and telling me everything that has happened in the summer, it was nice catching up with them, we were talking through the entire ride to Hogwarts.

We finally arrived at Hogwarts and I was starving I needed to eat something even though I ate like two chocolate frogs on the train. We went to the Great Hall and sat down and wait for all the things that Dumbledore had to say. 

Hello everyone and welcome back to Hogwarts, this year will be a very important year at Hogwarts will be the house of two other magical schools, The Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning. Dumbledore said 

Suddenly the Beauxbatons started entering to the Great Hall with their headmaster Madame Maxime, Ron was quite excited for seeing the Beauxbatons students arriving, they were like dancing. When they finish they sat down with the Ravenclaw's, out of nowhere the Durmstrang students started entering the Great Hall with some sticks hitting the floor, everybody kinda jumped from their seat because we obviously didn't expect that, I notice Ron again excited because he saw Viktor Krum, then their headmaster Igor Karkaroff entered behind Krum. The Durmstang students sat down at the Slytherin table.  

Your attention please, the Triwizard Tournament will have three different and extremely dangerous tasks, let's welcome Mr. Barty Crouch.  Dumbledore said but suddenly, another person appeared he was Alastor Moody Ron and Hermione started saying that he was a  very good Auror. 

The Ministry of Magic has concluded, that for their own safety no students under the age of seventeen should be allowed to compete in this tournament. Mr. Crouch said. And the students started shouting at him. 

THAT'S RUBBISH!! Fred and George Weasley shouted. 

After everyone calm down a little, Dumbledore proceed to reveal the Goblet of Fire

Everyone wishing to participate in the tournament should write their name on a piece of parchment and throw it the flame before this hour on Thursday night, if you are chosen there's no turning back, there will be one champion for each school, Now officially the Triwizard Tournament has begun. Dumbledore finish saying 

We walk to our dormitories, I was exhausted, I went to bed early that day, I put on my pajamas and I jumped in bed, and fell asleep. 

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