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The next few days I wasn't felling good, it has been a week since I spoke to Draco, I haven't left the dormitory, of course, I am taking care of my self I am showering and making the homework that Hermione brings to me, she told the teachers that I was sick and surprisingly they believed her, but the main reason of me not leaving the dormitory is that I have been crying a lot, my eyes have been so puffy lately, how am I going to be able to recover from a broken heart, I know that Draco and I were not like official but I thought that we had something really special, I saw something good inside him, but I don't know, I miss him, but I don't think I can forgive something like that, there has to be a very important reason for me to be able to forgive him, guess we are enemies again Gryffindor and Slytherins are supposed to hate each other, so I guess it would stay that way, I'm not sure I've also been overthinking a lot lately. Sometimes when Hermione is not here I wear Draco's sweater, I know that is wrong, but I really miss him, he's my first love. 

Draco's POV

I haven't seen (Y/N), it's been a week, I'm worried, this time I screw things up, I need to figure things out, it wasn't my fault it was Pansy's fault because she kissed me first, well no, know that I'm thinking is my fault as well because I kissed her back, but it was just a kiss. I looked up at the Gryffindor table, (Y/N) wasn't there, I miss her, it is weird looking at the Gryffindor table and not see her, she was always smiling or laughing, god I miss her. I fucked up things in a bad way. I stood up and left The Great Hall, I went looking for (Y/N), but she wasn't here I thought I could find her, maybe she hasn't left her dormitory, so I decided to try and enter the Gryffindor common room, Longbottom was near the Fat Lady Portrait. 

Longbottom. I said he was paralyzed 

W-What you want? He said looking down 

What is the Gryffindor password? I said coldly 

I-I can't tell you. Neville said confused and he left, so I stood trying to figure out the password, nothing worked so I left before anyone could see me trying to enter the Gryffindor common room. 

Malfoy! Someone shouted my name, I looked and it was Granger 

Granger. I said coldly walking away

What are you doing here? trying to enter to Gryffindor common room? She asked and I stopped walking 

What? No, of course not.  I snapped 

Neville told me that you asked him for the password. Hermione said 

That's a lie. I said 

No, Malfoy what do you want?  Hermione asked 

Ugh, I want to talk to (Y/N). I said coldly 

Why? You already spoke to her. Hermione said 

Yes, but I want to fix things. I said 

Malfoy, you broke her heart. Hermione said I didn't say anything.

You need to think about things better. Hermione said

At least tell me how she's doing. I said 

She's not good, she has been crying a lot. Hermione said I felt guilty 

When can I see her?  I asked 

When she decides. Hermione said 

Malfoy, if you really love her think how you are going to fix this. Hermione said that got me thinking, Granger is (Y/N)'s best friend so she was right, ugh I never thought I think that.

Now, you need to go before someone sees you around here. Hermione said and I left, I need a plan to get (Y/N) back, I love her, I need to think how to get her back, I need her.

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