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It was still bright outside, I had stopped crying I was looking at the sky and thinking, suddenly I heard footsteps approaching where I was sitting, I looked up it was Hermione.

Hey. Hermione said with a soft smile

Hey. I said 

How are you doing? She asked sitting down next to me

To be honest, I don't know. I said 

Do you want to talk about it? Hermione asked 

Yes. I said 

Okay, I'll listen but I need to tell you something first, but please don't be mad at me for this. Hermione said 

What is it? I asked 

Well, Harry came up to me earlier and asked me what was happening to you, I was telling him that I could tell him because I promise you that I wouldn't say anything, but he kept insisting and I did, Fred, George, and Ron know as well, they are worried about you. Hermione finish saying 

Oh, well, thank you. I said 

Wait, thank you? Hermione asked confused 

Yes, thank you. I repeated

Oh, okay you are welcome. She said confused 

Well, I'll tell you what happened. I said taking a deep breath 

Okay, I'll listen. Hermione said, so I started telling Hermione everything as soon as I got to the kiss part I took another deep breath and continue telling what happen event though I felt like I was gonna explode in tears, I continued talking, Hermione noticed that I was struggling to get through this part, I finally finish speaking. Hermione didn't know what to say, she just hugged me.

That is all. I said 

I can't believe that he kissed her back. Hermione said angrily

Me neither, I'm broken and confused. I said 

I know that you are still wearing the neckless that he gave you. Hermione said looking at the neckless 

Yes. I said holding the necklace

Have you talked to Malfoy?  Hermione asked 

No, I don't want to see him either, Hermione I can't look at him without crying, potions was so hard to go through. I said almost crying 

I know, let's go that there are people that want to see you. Hermione said and we left the Black Lake and we were walking towards the Gryffindor common room, I looked around and I so Pansy flirting with Draco, Pansy saw me and she looked at me with that evil smile that she does when she's about to do something bad and she did she kissed Draco again they were kissing and I left running. 

HEY (Y/N) WAIT! Hermione shouted, I didn't look back I was crying, I went to the girl's bathroom, it was closer.

Hermione's  POV

It happened again, (Y/N) saw Pansy kissing Malfoy and she left running. I needed to do something so I did something that I thought I never do in public. 

MALFOY WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM! I shouted at him in a very angry tone.

What are you talking about Granger? He said angrily and confused 


Don't you dare talk to My Draco like that mudblood. Pansy said 

Oh Shut up pug face. I said and I left looking for (Y/N), I went to the common room looking for her. 

Guy, Guys! I shouted 

What is it?  They asked all confused 

It happened again. I said 

Oh, that git is gonna hear us out. George and Fred left the common room before I could stop them, I don't know what to do. 

Did you saw it? Harry asked 

Yes, (Y/N) left crying I have no idea where she went. I said concerned 

I think she wants to be alone. Ron said 

What do you mean Ronald don't you see she's broken. I snapped 

I know, I know, but. Ron stopped 

You don't understand us girls. I said and left the common room looking for (Y/N), I finally found her in the girl's bathroom

(Y/N)?  I said, I could only hear her crying. 

Hey, I'm right here. I said, she ran and hugged me, I was trying to calm her down until she did.

Thank you for being here. She said wiping the tears off her face. 

I'm your best friend. I said with a soft smile, out of nowhere someone opened the door, it was a Slytherin first-year student with a note in her hand, she gave it to (Y/N)

Who gave this to you?  We asked confused 

I can't tell you. Said the first year and left

Who is it from? I asked and (Y/N) read the note out loud 

Astronomy Tower. Midnight. She said 

Do you have a clue of who could send this? I asked 

Maybe. She said 

Are going to go? I asked 

Yes. (Y/N) said, I wasn't going to stop her, we left the girls bathroom and walked to the common room no one was there, we went to the dorm and stayed there, I asked (Y/N) if she wanted to go to have dinner, she said that she wasn't hungry, I looked for Harry and Ron in the common room they were about to leave before I told them that I was going to stay here with (Y/N) and if they could bring something to eat, they nodded and left. I went back to the dormitory I saw (Y/N) sitting down, holding the neckless that Malfoy gave her, she didn't take it off, she was just holding the charm. I decided to wait for Harry and Ron, they return faster than I expected they gave me the food and I went back to the dorm again, I gave some cookies to (Y/N) and she ate them, then we waited until it was 11:30 and it was almost time for (Y/N) to go meet with this mystery person at The Astronomy Tower. 



Heyyyy guys thank you for the support, I started exams again but  I'll try to post as soon as I can.

Another important thing about the story, everything is going to be good again just wait 

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