The Astronomy Tower

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I went for a drink I was feeling alone and I wanted to go back to the dormitories even though it was 10:00 pm, the man that was pouring the drinks gave me a piece of parchment, he didn't told me who send it, honestly at this point I didn't care so I opened it. 


         "Come meet me at The Astronomy Tower"  


The note didn't had a name, I decided to go, I was curious and I what do I have to lose, I thought, I looked backwards and Hermione was arguing with Harry and Ron, I left the Great Hall and walked towards the Astronomy Tower. I arrived to the Astronomy Tower, nobody was there, not gonna lie this place has one of the most amazing views I have ever seen, I was a little bit cold, suddenly I heard footsteps. 

Who's there?  I asked 

Promise me that you are not going to start running. The voice said, I honestly didn't knew who it was

Okay, I promise. I said, I looked and Malfoy was there wearing his black suit. 

Malfoy, what are you doing here?  I asked 

I needed to see you and talk to you, please listen to what I have to say. He said

Okay Malfoy. I said and I sat down, he sat down next to me and looked at my eyes, honestly he has beautiful eyes. 

First of all, I am truly sorry for all the bad and mean things that I have said or done to you, I really regret everything and I feel terrible. He said in a sad tone and he was looking at me I could see the regret in his eyes. 

I believe you Malfoy. I said and smiled shyly, then he smiled back at me but it was a smile that I have never seen before.

The day that we had detention together you changed something inside me, I saw something in you, I couldn't stop thinking about you, that day at the Black Lake I saw you crying I knew right away it was about the comment I said at the library, I wanted to hug you so badly and tell you that everything was going to be alright,  and I know me and my friends have made you cry before and im truly sorry about that,  you have a beautiful smile and I really like when you are laughing to be honest watching you smile and laughing light's up my day. Tonight when I saw you wearing this beautiful dress my jaw fell to the floor you look so gorgeous, I wanted to dance with you, but first I needed to caught you alone and your attention to tell you everything, so I came up with this plan. He finish talking and he hold my hand, his hand was cold but soft, I wasn't expecting this. 

Malfoy, I don't know what to say. We stayed in silence for a couple of seconds we were sitting down looking at each others eyes. I wanted to hug him so I did, I felt butterflies, this was a beautiful felling. 

Draco's POV

OMG (Y/N) HUG ME!!!! I hold her tight, this hug was one of the ones where you don't want let go of the person you are hugging, she started crying on my shoulder 

What's wrong (Y/N)? I said concerned 

It's just that nobody has said all these nice and amazing things to me. She said and she looked down, I lift up her face slowly ad wiped the tears from her eyes. and smiled at her, I wanted to kiss her so badly. 

Hey (Y/N), I care about you. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and hug her again. 

What time is it?  She asked me

It's almost midnight, do you want to go back to the Great Hall and dance with me? I asked and she nodded, I took her hand and walked her towards the Great Hall when we arrived many people were drunk, her friends weren't there my friends weren't there either, there were almost 30 people there some of them were dancing and some of them were drinking. There was slow music playing, I grabbed (Y/N) waist, she wrapped her arms around my neck, and we started to slow dance, we looked to the eyes of each other, her (E/C) were beautiful, she rested her head on my shoulder, we were still dancing, this night is amazing I thought to myself. 


I was slow dancing with Draco Malfoy, I would never think this would happen, I was really enjoying this, when I was in my first year here I had a crush on him, but I never told this to anyone, I looked at him, we both looked happy, I looked at him, I'm not gonna lie I have always loved his eyes, I wanted to kiss him, but I was too nervous to make a move, we continued to slow dance, we stopped, we have been slow dancing for an hour, then he took my hand 

I want to take you somewhere. He whispered to my ear. 

Where? I asked curiously 

You'll see. He smiled, we left the Great Hall and we were walking through the corridors, we went outside I notice we were near the Black Lake but I didn't recognize where we were exactly. It was like a secret spot, we looked at each other deeply, he looked so handsome, I hugged him, he hugged me, Draco was taller than me. 

Draco's POV

We were hugging, then I looked at her (E/C) eyes and then to her lips, that red lipstick that she's wearing looks so good in her, our faces were centimeters away, this was the perfect time to kiss her, I was so nervous, i put my arms on her waist, I kissed her, she kissed me back, she had her arms around my neck, we started to kiss passionately. 

Draco. She smiled at me and we continued kissing, she has never said my first name before. I notice that (Y/N) was cold so I gave her the jacket of my suit. We then laid down on the grass and saw the stars, we were enjoying the moment we were in silence but we were with each other and that was the only thing that mattered to me. I was getting pretty late.

I want to give you this. I took a necklace out of my pocket at put it around her neck 

It's beautiful Draco thank you. she said with a smile on her face

Do you want to go to my dormitory?  I asked she nodded, the corridors were deserted, i knew we weren't allowed to take students from other houses into our dormitories but I didn't care I had my own dormitory. We arrived at my dormitory and she sat on my bed, she looked so beautiful, she was taking off her hell. 

Do you want to spend the night here?  I asked 

That would be nice, but I don't have any clothes to sleep in, I only have my dress. (Y/N) said 

I could give you some of my clothes. I said, she nodded and I gave her my quidditch sweater and a pair of pants. She went to the bathroom and changed, she came back and sat on the bed again. 

My clothes look good on you. I said and I made her blush. 


We laid down in his bed I was wearing his clothes, they smelled like him, I put my head on his chest I could hear his heart beating, and he was humming a song while he was playing with my hair.

Draco. I said and looked at him.

Yes (Y/N)?  He smiled 

Thank you for making my night so magical. I said kissed him on the lips.

That you for being here with me. He replied and kissed me back, he hugged me and after a while, we both fell asleep. 



Hey guysss, is finally here I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did while I was writing it, this took me all day but is finally here, thank you for your support 

P.S I cried while I was writing it, and can you guys leave me. some feedback that would really mean a lot to me, also check the playlist for the story is on Apple Music its called "Story" and it has the stars emoji.

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