Are you Happy?

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After Draco and I finish kissing every single person in the corridor was looking at us, they were all confused, Hermione's jaw dropped, Pansy was furious.

You can stop looking now. Draco said and everyone continued doing what they were doing

What are you two doing? Hermione said I laughed

See you later darling. Draco said he winked and smiled at me he left the corridor with Blaise

Are you going to explain yourself? Hermione asked

No, I had no idea he was going to do that. I said

Well, now everyone is going to know that you two guys are together. Hermione said

We are not together yet, Hermione. I said

Oh, well, wait until Harry and Ron know. Hermione said

Where are they? I asked

No Idea, why? Hermione asked

I want to tell them myself before someone else does, I need to explain things. I said

Yes. Let's go then. Hermione said. we went looking for them, they were in The Great Hall

Hello guys! I said and sat down next to Harry

Hello. Ron said

What are you guys up to? Harry asked

(Y/N) has to tell you guys something. Hermione said

Yes (Y/N)? They both said

Well, Draco and I are on good terms and we kissed in the corridor outside Snape's classroom, and by this time I think all the school knows, I wanted to tell you before you hear it from someone else. I finish saying they were speechless I could see that in their faces.

So you are saying that Malfoy and you are together? Harry asked

Not yet. I said

Are you happy? Ron asked

Yes. I said

But, why Malfoy? They asked

I don't know, he just makes me happy. I said

Well, as long as you are happy, well try to accept Malfoy. Ron said

Thank you, I really appreciate this. I said

That's what friends are for, to support your decisions. Harry said I smiled, we stood there until our next lesson, basically all day we just talked and stuff, Draco and I sometimes we snuck to a broom cupboard and kiss, he told me to meet him in The Black Lake in our secret spot after the lessons were over. I went to The Black Lake, I saw Draco standing in our spot

Hello, my darling. Draco said

Hi Draco. I said, he kissed me

How's your day? Draco asked

Great and yours? I asked

Good, but It's getting better. He smirked

Why are you looking at me like that? I asked smiling

You are gorgeous. Draco said and I blushed, we kissed again

Why did you want to meet here? I asked

You'll see, just enjoy the moment, it'll be worth it, I promise. Draco said and we laid on the grass looking at the sky



Hey guys sorry for the small chapter this week has been crazy, ill try my best and update on Sunday or Monday thank you all o much for the support

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