Are You Okay?

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It was the next day, I woke up and went directly to the bathroom, I looked at the mirror my eyes were so puffy, I took a shower, hopefully, this will help my eyes to be less puffy, I went out of the shower and changed, today I decided to wear a little bit of makeup, hopefully, it would help me to look less awful, I left the bathroom, Hermione was already awake. 

Good Morning (Y/N), how did you sleep? Hermione said 

Morning Hermione, not so good. I said 

Do you want to go for breakfast, I'll understand if you don't want to go. Hermione said

Yes, I want to go. I said 

Okay, just let me get ready. Hermione said 

Okay. I said, Hermione went to the bathroom, I sat on the bed to wait for her, I was thinking what was going to happen now, would go back to be enemies or not friends? Maybe he's going to be distant from me? As I told Hermione before, something like this was going to break me and it's true I'm heartbroken. Hermione came out of the bathroom 

Ready to go? Hermione asked 

Yes. I said, and we left the dorm, Harry and Ron were in the common room waiting for us.

Hey guys, good morning. Harry and Ron said 

Good morning. Hermione said, I just smile, I totally forgot about Harry and Ron, I didn't know what to say, we left the common room and walked towards the Great Hall, we arrived and we sat down we started eating and chatting, I think that Harry noticed that I wasn't as cheerful as always. 

Hey (Y/N), are you okay?  Harry asked while Hermione and Ron were arguing about something. 

Yeah, why? I lied. 

I don't know you just seem quite distant and not as cheerful as always, are you sure that you are okay?  Harry asked 

Yes, I'm just tired. I said, I lied again 

Okay, well if you need anything just tell me, alright? Harry said and smiled

Yes, thank you, Harry. I said and smiled back. I finish my breakfast really fast and left as soon as I finished because I didn't want to see Draco, but I was going to see him anyway, we had potions together. Fred and George entered the Great Hall when I was on my way out. 

Are you okay? George asked

Yeah, why? I asked 

Nothing, is just that yesterday you left out of nowhere like we were laughing and you suddenly stopped did you see anything? or something?  I'm worried about you. George said, I looked away and I saw Draco walking behind George, apparently he listened to what George said, but he walked away to the Slytherin table and sat next to Pansy. 

Earth to (Y/N). Fred said 

Sorry. I said 

What happened?  They asked 

I just needed to go to the bathroom. I said

But you didn't come back. George said  

Oh, look what time it is, I need to get to class, see you guys later. I said nervously and I left, they knew exactly that something was wrong with me.  I walked to potions class but I didn't want to go because Draco was going to be there and he's my partner. Hermione was waiting for me outside the potions class. 

Hey, are you sure you want to go inside? Hermione asked 

Yeah. I said and I entered to the class and sat down Draco wasn't there yet, a couple of minutes passed and I spotted him outside the classroom, he was with Pansy and Blaise, Pansy looked at were I was sitting and she started to be flirty with Draco, I felt like crying again but I contained myself which it was really hard, so I started reading my potions book, suddenly Draco  entered to the class with Snape behind him, I tried to act like if everything was normal and not to talk much, but I couldn't look to Draco directly to the eyes because if I did that I will burst into tears, something was weird about the class, Draco normally holds my hand under the table, today he didn't, that felt weird, most of the time I was looking at my book or writing, thankfully today we didn't brew any potion, we just wrote some stuff down and that was all, the class was coming to an end and I couldn't handle it anymore, I started tearing up, I could feel that Draco was looking at me, suddenly Snape said that the class was over and left the classroom as soon as I could because now I was crying I didn't want to see Draco I couldn't handle myself around him. 

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