Yule Ball

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Hey guys! so this is what you will be wearing for the Yule Ball,

Hey guys! so this is what you will be wearing for the Yule Ball,

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The day of the Yule Ball is finally here, everyone was excited, we didn't have any classes today, the teachers were preparing the castle for tonight, so we were literally doing nothing or getting ready in our common rooms. The ball was going to start at 7 pm sharp and it would finish at 4 am

Hermione and I were just chilling in our dormitory talking about the ball and how excited we were to dance with our dates. I checked the clock it was 5 o'clock we needed to start getting ready.

Hermione, look at the time we need to get ready. I said and ran to the bathroom to take a shower, I put on my dark red dress, all my accessories were gold, my heels were gold as well. l decided to wear my hair down, I did natural makeup with red lipstick and I sprayed my favorite perfume.

(Y/N)! ARE YOU FINISH WE NEED TO GO NOW! Hermione shouted at me, it was 6:45, we needed to go. I went down the stairs to the common room and Hermione was standing there wearing a blue dress.

(Y/N)! You look so beautiful. She said happily

You too! Now we need to go. I said. welt the Gryffindor common room and we went directly to the Great Hall.

We arrived at the entrance of the Great Hall and we waited for our dates, my date arrived, he grabbed my hand and we went inside the Great Hall, the decoration was beautiful, the first ones to dance were the champions with their respective dates and many people were joining them, after a while, a band was playing when the band was playing I was having so much fun with my friends, but then my date dumped me for a Hufflepuff girl, so I went sit down with Harry and Ron, I looked up and I saw Malfoy with Pansy they were listening to the band play, and I'm not gonna lie Malfoy looked pretty good in his black suit, god why am I thinking this.

Draco's POV

I looked at the tables and I saw (Y/N) she looked so gorgeous in her dark red dress, but she seemed that she wasn't having fun, I wanted to make a move but I didn't know how and besides I'm not having fun either, god why am I thinking like this, normally I don't care for others but when I think of (Y/N) it's a different story. Pansy was hugging me and I wanted to leave and go with (Y/N).

Pansy let me go I'm going for a drink. I said and went for a drink, I told the man who was pouring the drinks if he had a piece of parchment and a quill, luckily he had one.

Can you give this to the girl wearing the dark red dress, but don't you dare to tell her that I gave it to you, is that clear? I said, I looked at where Pansy was and she was making out with Blaise, I honestly didn't care that she was making out with my best friend I didn't like Pansy, then I looked at where (Y/N) was and I left the Great Hall. Hope this works. I said to myself.



Guys the next chapter is one of my favorites, I promise It will be so good, it will still be Yule Ball Night

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