chapter two

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      -Jane Fox's POV-                                   

                                                     "Wake up mamas. It's time to get ready for the game."

     Mom attempts to wake me up. "Is she awake yet?", I hear Adam whisper. I turn over on my stomach when I hear "Do what you have to do.". Somebody jumps on top of my body, "Good morning sunshine.". "Get off me Addy!", I push him off my body. "Ow! You're so rude.", he groans. "Time for breakfast kids.", my mom says leaving my room. "Race you down there.", this time Adam pushes me down. Instead of getting up, I pretend to cry. Adam runs up to me, "I'm so sorry Janie. I didn't mean to push you so hard.". He goes to hug me when I go under his arms and run down to the kitchen.

     "Do you need a ride to the game?", my mom asks. "No, my mom is dropping me off. I should probably get going. Thanks for breakfast Mrs. Fox. See you at the game, Janie.", he grabs his bag and runs out the door. "It's Sadie!", my mom yells after him, "Nina, Vincent you guys are coming to the game.". "Actually mom, I'm going over to Rick's house. But, I'll see if he wants to go.", Vincent explains. "Dad or mom's house?", my mother asks. Ricky's parents got divorced a couple of years ago. His dad got all the money while his mom was left with basically nothing. But, I heard she is dating a rich man now. "Dads, his house is a mile away from the rink." "What about you, Nini?", my mom turns to my sister. "Yeah sure. But, after can you drop me off at Delilah's house? We are partners for a science project.". "Why don't you ask her if she wants to come to the Minneapolis studio with me? Oh and Jane you are coming with me tomorrow."

     "Come on guys, lets go give a little pep talk to the girls over there.", McGill points to the district 5 team. "Su-", I interrupt Adam by dragging him over to a pile of pucks. McGill scoffs and skates away with Larson. I begin shooting pucks into the net, while Adam watches. When all I hear is yelling coming from the other teams bench. I look over to see a tiny little boy being held back by his team while the two boys skate away. "What did you say to them?", I ask turning to Alex. "All I said was hi.", he responded, "Well hi girls. But, it shouldn't have offended them because there was a girl.". "Nice one Larson.", Adam hits the back of his helmet.

     "WIN WIN WIN WIN.", the hawks chant. "Are we summoning a demon or something?", I whisper to Adam. "Deuces take center. Banks, you take right. Everyone else same position.", Reilly directs. I'm the last one out on the ice when coach stops me. "You scored 5 the last we played them. Show them no mercy, and get that to 8 goals. Or you riding the bench. You wanna be the best?" I nod quickly. "Than show them no mercy.".  I nod and turn to District 5, they got a new coach. He is trying to make them chant, but they just look at him confused. "They look pretty stupid. How long do you think this coach will last?", our goalie Joe Wise asks as I hit him in the leg with my stick. "I'm gonna give him, 2 weeks.", we do our handshake and go to our positions.

     "What's this? The Oreo line!", McGill says from behind me. "Shut up and get to your spot Gilly.", I roll my eyes. I get ready for the puck to be dropped and smirk at the boy in front of me.  Poor guy looks terrified. The ref drops the puck and I quickly pass it to Adam. Before leaving, I run my shoulder into the boy making him fall down. As we go down the ice, all they do is fall. "DEUCES!", Adam yells to me. I shot the puck hard into the goal. Their goalie just ducks. Which is fair since it almost hit him in the head. The crowd cheers as my team hits the top of head. I'm skating next to Adam as we head to the bench. When he pushes the helmet off of one of the players, "That's one.". Once his helmet falls off, it's the guy I punched for calling me names. Adam looks at me and we laugh. That kid deserves whatever he is getting this game. "Good show! Sloppy pass, Banks!", Coach Reilly says slightly pushing the backs of McGill and Adam. "Way to stuff it, deuces.", he pats my back and I sit in between Adam and Alex. The rest of my team congratulates me, but I shrug them off. Anybody could score on them.

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