chapter seven

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-Jane Fox's POV-

The Ducks had one of their last preseason games today, against the Cardinals. Connie had asked me to go and of course I said yes. But the problem is, Adam and I we're supposed to hangout. Right now, I am getting ready for school. Wearing a white cropped turtleneck with some blue jeans, I grab Fulton's leather jacket from my closet and hurry out the door. Being me, I'm already 5 minutes late. "Get in the car! Your mom is gonna be so mad at me.", dad complains, "She always brags about how she gets you to school on time everyday because it's so easy.". "The last time I was on time, was like never. Sorry to expose mom and all, but she is never on time.".

I run out of the car towards the school doors. They are locked, I look on a sign on the side of the doorway.

It reads:
ATTENTION: The doors will lock from 8:30-3:45 pm. Press button below and wait for worker to let you in.

I continuously press the button when I remember the entire school is at an assembly. "Whatever.", I roll my eyes and start the walk back home. It's about a 1 1/5 mile walk. About 5 minutes in, I notice a drive by. I pick up the pace, I have watched enough movies to know how this turns out. It's turns to running. "Janie! Stop running, it your aunt Stacy.", a voice yells from the car window. I turn around to see Stacy pulling up beside me, "What are you doing out of school?". "Like always I arrived late and the doors were locked. The whole school is at an assembly so no one could let me in. I gave up and started the walk home.", I respond getting into her car. "The school called your parents but they didn't answer. Since I'm an emergency contact, they called me. Now i'm going to take you home.".

I'm laying in my bed, bored out of my mind. It's 1:35 pm, "I would be in Gym right now.", I think out loud. "Jane! Come down here please!", my mother's voice rings through the house. I run down the stairs into my mom's office. "I got the school's voicemail about you skipping school. If you needed a mental health day just tell me. I understand how overwhelming life can be.", mom says spinning around to face me. She's about to continue when the phone rings. "Oh hey Stacy!".

"You are so lucky Stacy called because Josh would not be happy with you skipping school." mom packs up her work bag, "Now I need to go. I won't be back until about 8 pm. Josh will be gone until tomorrow morning. Do you have any plans for tonight?". "I am going to force Adam to come to Connie's game tonight. Originally, l was only supposed to hangout with Adam. But, Connie, Guy and Charlie were really excited about this game. Their first official game as a duck, and with all the proper hockey equipment." , I respond walking with my mom to her car. "Have fun! If your gonna stay over, make sure you call me or dad. Even the twins or Stacy.".

At hours of watching movies, someone knocks on the door. Looking through the peephole, I see Adam with his backpack. He must have just got out of school, I don't really know what time it is "Hello banksy boy.", I let him in. "Where were you today? You left me all alone with Alex.", he whines throwing himself on the couch, "Are you seriously watching the outsiders again? That's like the eighth time this week and it's only Tuesday.". "I'm sorry it's one of the best movies ever.", I throw myself on top of him, "And to answer your question, I got locked out of school. Now, we got to go or we're gonna be late.". I grab his hand and pull him off the couch. He turns off the tv, "Going to be late for what?". "I'm taking you to district five game, but they are now known as the ducks.".

We take our seats at the very top of the ice rink, "I still can believe you made me come here.". "I know , i'm just so mean.", I say with sarcasm laced in my voice. "I will admit their uniforms are nice. But, I think those new helmets might be too tight. They are literally throwing footballs for their warmup." "Hey look there's Fulton!", I say pointing to him. Fulton starts firing the pucks at the net. "Holy shit!",
Adam exclaims, watching one of Fulton's shot bounce of the boards. "And he can skate now. Looks like the Ducks just keep getting better and better."

I jump out of my seat when Charlie scores the first ever goal for the ducks. "Yes Char!", I cheer loudly making him look at me and wave. It now 2-1 with 6 minutes left in the second period. I remember coach Reilly telling us if district five wins or ties the next two games, they go to playoffs. As much as I love my friends on that team, I doubted them beating the Cardinals and than the Huskies. But now watching them play, they have a chance.

There is a three minute break between the second and the third period. "Let's make a deal. If I win, you have to hangout isn't Connie and I. And if you win, we can have a sleepover tonight.", I say. "That sounds like a win win for you.", Adam laughs "What is the deal about?". "The outcome of the game. I think they are going to win, what about you?" "They are probably going to tie."

Cardinals have the puck, skating down the ice. Karp gets down on one knee and the puck hits him in the head. Karp gets knocked out and falls to the ice. Gasps are heard from around the rink. The ducks surround the boy while their coach walks up to them. They talk for a couple of mints before helping the poor boy off the ice. We all clap while the boy leaves.

With less than 30 seconds left in the game, I see Fulton skate onto the ice. "Yeah Fulton!", I yell. But my cheer was blended in with the crowd. Instead of sitting back down, I'm on my feet like the rest of rink. "Come on Adam! Stand up. You do realize if they score, you win the bet.", with that he jumps onto his feet and starts cheering. The ducks win the face off and immediately pass it to Fulton. The cardinals skate away in fear including the goalie. While Fulton winds up to take the shot, Connie steals the puck. "Come on Con!", I yell jumping up and down. She quickly passes it to Guy, who scores. The game ends a couple of seconds later. "They tied! They tied!", I yell in Adam's ear grabbing his arm.

Adam is waiting outside while I go find my favorite ducks. Right away, I see Connie walking up the stairs with a big smile on her face. "Connie!", I yell jumping into her arms, "You did so good!". once we pull away, I give Charlie and Guy a tight hug. "Do you want to hang out?", Charlie asks. "No, I can't today Char. Adam is actually waiting outside for me.", I respond. "He came to watch us?", Guy asks surprised. "Yeah, and I should probably get back to him. Good job guys!", I give them all one last hug. "Gonna leave without saying good game to your favorite brother?", I hear a voice coming from behind me. I turn to see Fulton standing there. "Look at you Fult! Skating without falling. Massive improvement from the last time we went skating.", I give him a hug. "This is way better than football.", he states.

Adam drags me up to his room. Liked promised,
I'm having a sleepover with him. His room has light grey walls, the comforter on his bed is black. The room is filled with old hockey stuff. For example, two hockey sticks are hanging crossed above his bed. Framed and signed jerseys are hung in his wall. As soon as I enter his bedroom, I lay down in his bed. Covering myself in his blankets, "Why is your bed so comfy?".

authors note:
Again with another filler chapter. It's a short one cause I was kind of stuck writing this one. I might end up rewriting some when I get better ideas.

word count: 1451 words

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