chapter ten

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-Jane Fox's POV-

      My first game not being a hawk. "Time to wake up mamas.", my mom gently shakes me awake, "You need to let Enzo out and feed him.". I mumble a response and pet Enzo's head not opening my eyes. "You have an hour and a half till your game. So, get up if you don't want to be late to your first game.", with that she leaves my room.

       For my outfit, i'm wearing a creme nike crew neck with grey sweatpants. Instead of going to the kitchen, I go to the mudroom. I begin to switch my hockey equipment out of my old hawks bag and into an old black one. My stick is still blue and black but it's fine. "Go bring your bag out to the car than come eat.", my mom instructs. I drag my hockey bag to the back of the car and toss it in there.

       As I eat a fruit bowl, my brother yells from the office. "Jane! Connie is on the phone!". I run into the office and grab the phone. "Hey Con!" "Hey Janie! Do you think I could ride with you to the game? My mom just got called into the hospital.", she asks.
I begin to nod but realized she couldn't see me. "Yeah! We'll be there in 20.", I hang up and walk into the living room, "We gotta leave to go pick up Connie.". As mom and I make our way out of the house, she grabs the keys from a dish on a table by the front door.

       I walk up to Connie's door and knock three times. "You ready to go?", I ask as she opens the door. "Yes! This is going to be the best game ever!", Connie turns and locks the house door. She throws her stuff into the trunk and climbs in the backseat next to me. "Are you excited for the game girls?", my mom asks driving away from her house. "Oh yeah! I'm so excited to finally get to play with my best friend! How did the rest of your birthday go Janie?", Connie asks looking up from her names. "So much fun! Dad went all the way up north for a gift for me.
He got me a doberman, named Enzo!", I exclaim. Connie gets excited too, "You got a dog? Lucky! I had a fish but it died in like a week.". Everyone in the car laughs.

"You go ahead into the locker room, I'm gonna wait for Adam.", I stand looking through the glass doors. Mrs. Banks car pulls up and Adam got out. I hide as he walks through the arena doors, I jump onto his back, "Boo!". Adam jumps than looks back to notice me and be playfully rolls his eyes. "Hey Addy! You ready for the game?", I ask excitedly.
"I guess. Yesterday father and Reilly went down to Bombay's old law firm. My dad is friends with Mr. Ducksworth, who is Bombay's employer. They made a deal with the league for us to stay on the hawks.", I stop walking, growing worried that I'll have to play for the hawks again, " All Bombay had to do was withdraw his protest but he refused. Causing him to lose his job at the law firm.". My eyes go wide and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, "So we are ducks now?". Adam nods and we stop outside of the locker room.

I attempt to drag Adam into the locker room but be stays. The rooms grows silent until Connie, Charlie and Guy run up to me. Connie hugs me and than Guy ruffles my hair, " I missed you so much!" Connie exclaims. "We gave you a ride here.", I chuckle. Fulton comes up behind me and gives me a hug, "Hey little sis!". Charlie was next to give me a hug, "Fancy seeing you here Janie Jae. Why don't you go get ready!", Charlie grabs my stuff and leads me to my new locker which is conveniently right next to Connie's and Adam. Connie and I change into our uniform when she asks, "Where's Banks?". "I think his in the hall, let me get him."

"Come on Ad! The game is gonna start soon.", he finally lets me drag him into the locker room. Bombay soon walks in after us, "Hey, wasn't sure if you guys would show up?". "Yeah whatever. I just want to play hockey.", Adam states looking at the ground. "I see you are already ready Jane.", he turns to me and I nod. "Char helped me find my stuff.", I respond. "Ducks, you all know Adam Banks and Jane Fox." "On behalf the ducks, I'd like to say welcome.", Charlie begins to walk forward before being stopped by Jesse Hall. "Cake-eaters." I put my hand up to my heart, "Ouch, that really hurt.", sarcasm laced through my voice. A couple of the ducks laughed a while Jesse rolled his eyes. "Oh the jess-man, dissin' the new guys, the jess-ster.", Averman attempts to joke. "Shut up Averman!", Jesse yells causing Adam to flinch. Adam hates yelling, cause that's all he hears. His dad yelling at him or his parents arguing. It's awful. "It's just a joke.", Averman mumbles. "Puttin' on a Ducks jersey doesn't mean you're a real duck.", Jesse spats pushing through me and Adam. Soon the rest of the team follows, some giving us small smiles or glares. But the glares only came from the small ducks. "Do you want us to wait for you?", Connie asks standing back with Guy and Charlie. "No, it's fine. I'm going to go up with Adam.", they nod and walk past us. "They're a good group when you get to know them.", Coach reassures. "I bet.", Adam says quietly. "Well suit up! See you guys in the ice.", Coach waves to us and walks out.

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