chapter eleven

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-Jane Fox's POV-

"I have a surprise for you and the team. Your parents know where to go and I expect you to be there at 2:30 pm. Makes sure to wear warm clothes and bring your skates.", Coach informs me over the phone. "Sounds good! See you later Coach. I hang up. It's currently 1:45, so I have a little less than a hour to get ready.

I open my glass closet door and step in. "Wear warm clothes.", I mumble to myself, remembering the call I had with Coach Bombay earlier. Looking through my collection of jeans. I settle on a pair of washed out black mom jeans with rips in the knees. Pairing that with a white cropped t-shirt and Fulton's, well I guess my leather jacket. I braid the front strands of my hair. 2:00 pm, I guess I took a little longer getting ready than expected.

Running through the house while putting on my air forces, might be one of the hardest things I have ever done. Mom is waiting in the car. But, I can't join her since I can't find my hockey skates. The garage door opens, "What are doing Janie? It takes 10 minutes to get there and it's 2:23. You are going to be so late.". "I can't find my skates?", I yell from the mudroom. The mudroom is a mess from me throwing everything out from my hockey bag onto the ground. "Calm down mamas. They are already in the car.", she replies calmly.

My mom pulls up in front of the Xcel Energy Center. Which is wear my dad's team, the north stars, are playing. I give her a confused look but all mom does is point to a man and a small boy standing by the door. Looking closer, I see it's coach Bombay and Charlie. "Thanks for the ride mom! See you when I get home!", I kiss her on the cheek, grab my skates and run off to join them.

"Howdy coach and Charlotte.", Charlie cringes when I call him Charlotte. He hates when I call him that, that's why I do it. "Jane stop.", Charlie demands, failing at his attempt to stay serious. "Where is the rest of the team?", I ask. "Knowing you Janie. I told you to come earlier, the rest of the team are coming right now.", Bombay chuckles. I roll my eyes, "Yeah, you're not wrong.".

Soon enough the whole team is gathered outside the entrance of the arena. "Look at Janie, being on time!", Adam jokes making the whole team laugh. The ducks have really warmed up to him, even if it had only been a week. Jesse hasn't though, he is still a jerk but slowly getting better. The team never had a problem with me, not including Jack, so they have been getting to know me better. "Hey I recognize that jacket. Who did you get it from?, Fulton smirks, ruffling my hair. I swat his hand away, "My loser older brother gave it to me.". Fulton picks me up and puts me on his shoulders. "So this is what it feels like to be tall.", I look down to my teammates, "How's the air down there?".

The ducks and I are standing at the opening of the ice rink, watching the north stars practice. The whole team is talking excitedly amongst each other. But, I'm too busy watching #20, which is my father. "I can't believe we are here.", Adam says to me, "I knew your dad was good, but seeing him in person, up close, he is amazing.". That got me thinking. How am I going to live up to my dads name. It's obvious, I'll never be as good as him. "Hey, you okay?", Adam asks me noticing my frowning face. I nod as he pulls me into a side hug.

The north stars are walking off the ice, saying hellos to us. Until two players, stop in front of us. Adam grabs my hand out of excitement. My stomach begins to feel like somethings flying around. Almost, like I'm nervous. Or. It can't be, he is your best friend. You can't like your best friend. "Hey Gordo! Gordon Bombay right?", the ducks mouth drops wide open. "Close your mouth Addy or you are going to catch flies.", I use my free hand to reach up and push his mouth shut. Again, all he does is smile and blush. "You remember me?", Coach stutters. "Sure, from Pee Wees and from coaching that little munchkin right there.", my dad's teammate Basil Mcrae says pointing his finger at me. In return, I smile and wave. "This guy used to rule in Pee Wees." my dad says skating up behind his teammates. Instead of stopping, he walks up next to me and hugs me. "Hey daddy!", I say hugging him back tightly. "Hello bug and Adam! You guys having a fun time?", he asks bending down to get in my eye level. "Yep!".
The whole team is shocked, except for Connie. The ducks had never met my dad before. "I heard you were a farmer.", Mike Modano claims. "Actually I became a lawyer.", Bombay corrects, "But like Basil said before, I'm coaching Pee Wee now, and this is my team, the ducks.". The ducks all smile and wave. "Ducks, this is Basil Mcrae, Mike Modano and Jane's father, Joshua Fox.", coach introduces. Dad smiles and waves, he is still standing next to me. The whole team begin to talk sarcastically. "Hey ducks. Listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about.", Basil insists, "We better get going!". Both Basil and Mike wave goodbye to the team, fist bumping me on their way out. "I guess that means me too.", dad kisses my forehead, "If you ever want a shot Bombay, I'll get you a tryout in the minor league clubs.". "Thanks!", Coach smiles. "Hey, if you're going to date Adam, don't do it in front of me.", dad whispers, looking at our hands. My eyes go wide as he walks away.

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