chapter three

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-Jane Fox's POV-

My door creaks open and in comes my older sister. "Janie, its time to get up. Dad made breakfast and we are leaving for the studio at 11." She gently shakes my shoulders but I don't budge. I have never been a morning person. "Is she up yet?", my brother comes into my room. "Nope. Hasn't moved by herself since I got in here.", Nina sits down on my bed. As I turn on my stomach and gently open my eyes to see the time. 10 am, we have an 1 hour till we leave. An hour of sleep. Now, if only my siblings would let me sleep in peace.

     "I know what I have to do.",  Vinnie runs out of the room. Nini just sits there and rubs my back. "Dear god no! Vincent!", she stands up from my bed, "She is going to be super mad at you.". I open my eyes but not in time. Vincent pours ice cold water onto me. "Vincent Fox, you are so dead!", I scream.

     "At least you're awake!", he yells running down the stairs. My pajamas are soaking wet and so is my hair. I bolt out of my room and chase after him. "Why are you wet? You realize you are supposed to take your clothes off when you shower, right?", my mom teases while I run into the kitchen. Vinnie is on the opposite side of the kitchen island, waiting for me to make the first move. In the corner of my eye, I see a knife. That will make him scream like a little girl. In one swift move. I grab the knife and run after him. Just like I expected, he screamed like a little girl.

     We run throughout the house until we reach the entry hallway. There is my dad coming back from practice. "Woah calm down there psycho! Why do you a knife?", he asks grabbing the knife from my hand, "And why are you dripping on the floor?". The rest of my family appears from behind the doorway. "You're acting like you have never chased uncle Gabe with a knife before.", I say jumping up on Vinnie's back. "Cause I haven't. I wasn't a violent child like you.", he responds, "What gave you the idea that chasing siblings around with a knife was normal?". Dad turns to look at my mom. "Mom told me she chased her brother around the house with a knife.". "Breakfast!", and mom runs out of the room back into the kitchen.

     Mom wouldn't let me sit at the table until I changed clothes. She didn't want me to ruin her beautiful chairs. So I changed into sweats and a t-shirt. "Once you finish eating, we are leaving for the studio.", my mom says putting her dish in the sink, "Vin, you are doing the dishes.". "Can I bring my skates and stick? There is a pond across the street from the studio I can skate on.", I ask. "Sure, but you have to come back when the street lights turn on."

     "You need a jacket.", my mom holds out my hawks parka. "I don't want to wear that. I'm going to wear one of Vinnie's old jerseys.". I run upstairs and grab a Shark jersey. This is my brother's jersey from last year. As we walk out to the car, I see Adam, Alex and Mcgill playing hockey. "Hey deuces! Wanna come play some puck?", Alex yells. "I can't today, sorry man!", I throw my hockey stuff in the back. "I thought you were going to your mom's studio? Why do you have your hockey stuff?", Adam asks, the boys run up to me. "There is a pond across the street. So, i'm gonna go practice." "How about we meet you there in a couple of hours?", Alex asks. "Jane! It's time to go!", my mom yells from the car. "Sure, see you guys later."

"Nina, you sit in the back with Delilah.", my mother orders while Nina groans. We drive a couple blocks away and pull up to Delilah's house. "Hi Nini and Jane. Thank you for inviting me to the studio coach.", Delilah says getting into the car. Nina and Delilah have been friends since they meet at dance camp. After that, Delilah moved to Edina and is on my mom's dance team. As the car pulls away, "No problem Lilah. You and Nina will be helping me teach the 5 year olds, after your class at 2 pm.". "Ooh fun! I read about your 15 goal game in the news paper, Jane. That's really good.", I turn to her, "I was in the news paper?". "Yep! In the sports section, new hawks record.".

Right as we pull up to my mom's studio, I grab my hockey stuff. "Wait Janie. Come say hi to Aunty Stace." Aunty Stace is the other owner of the dance company and she isn't my real aunt. Stacy and my mom met when they were 15 in dance. They have always wanted to create their own dance studio. Now S&S Dance is one of the most popular dance studios in the midwest. They have 2 studios. My mom runs the one in Edina while Stacy runs the one in Minneapolis. Anyways Stacy used to be my dance teacher until I quit.

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