A/N: Some Comments... YIKES

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Okay, I understand that as far as I'm concerned y'alls have first amendment rights to free speech, but some of y'alls comments are just... no. Some of them are outright hateful which isn't covered under your right to free speech, but other comments I keep seeing are just making me cringe.

So, here's some comments I keep seeing that I have a problem with.

"Shuichi stop thinking about Kaede all the time it's so annoying!! Get over her!!!"

You have no idea how much that makes me want to just grab you and literally physically attack you, seriously. Do you not understand how trauma works? Do you not understand that Shuichi is TRAUMATIZED?! I don't care if you were "just joking" either, that's not a funny joke to anyone but assholes. Kindly escort yourself off of my profile if you're going to say that because you WILL NOT disrespect Shuichi or Kaede on my profile.

Both of them, especially Shuichi, are huge comfort characters to me and I can't stand to see that people are basically telling Shuichi his trauma is annoying. Like... what the fuck?! He thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with Kaede and she left so abruptly and almost violently, of course he's going to be traumatized and need a lot of time to cope with it! He's going to need at least months, if not years, to get over it! Breakups can be extremely devastating, but broken engagements are even more so. Hell, I've had to be hospitalized after I had a breakup once because I was so depressed that several mental professionals did not think I could keep myself safe if I was left at home. So, I know from personal experience that some people need a LOT of time to heal. Don't tell Shuichi he's annoying because he's still dealing with his trauma, that's fucked up.


"Kaede's such a fucking whore for breaking up with Shuichi!!"

Again, the disrespect! Yes, I understand that in this story she did something bad to Shuichi that left him traumatized, but Kaede's a person too. As obsessed as I am with Shuichi and even the idea of him being sad will put me into a blind rage, please don't shit talk Kaede for what she did in this story. Although fucked up, she did have her own reasons for acting the way she did and although I didn't explain them very well since Shuichi was the one having the flashbacks and not Kaede, she did have reasons.

Also, once again, Kaede is a huge comfort character for me. To see her receive so much hate just... I can't stand it. It makes me sad to see all this hate towards her. Again, I don't care if you were "just joking" because only assholes joke about that and think it's funny. Shit talking others as a joke isn't healthy and if that's your main sense of humor, you need a new outlet.


"My lesbian ass reading this like"

Okay, what-

Lesbians are girls attracted to GIRLS. Shuichi is a BOY. If you're a lesbian... why the hell are you reading this? I love seeing that several users of Wattpad are LGBT like myself, but if you're a lesbian why are you reading x readers for male characters? If it was Omasai or Saimatsu or something then it would at least make sense why you were reading this book, but this is a READER INSERT. If you, the reader, are lesbian, that doesn't make any sense because you can't feel any attraction to Shuichi in that way. And if you do... you might be bi or pan and not lesbian. I'm not here to tell you what your orientation is, but lesbians feel absolutely zero attraction towards men, so I just don't understand why you'd read this book unless it was a dare or something.

EDIT {3/27/21}

Lots of lesbians have commented and said that liking fictional characters has no impact on your sexuality. Sorry, but I'd personally have to disagree. Psychology has shown that our brains really don't know the difference between fictional characters and real people, so while you consciously know they're fictional, your brain doesn't "truly" understand that concept if that makes any sense. Plus, when I turn 18 next year I plan on literally getting married to Shuichi {I've looked it up and the USA, aka where I live, does legally recognize marriage to fictional characters}. I've wanted to marry him since 2018. Given those points, I just don't understand how a person could claim fictional characters have zero impact on your sexuality.

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