Chapter 2

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"Hey (Y/N)!" Emma, the owner of the bookstore, smiled.

"Hey Emma, got any new books?" You asked.

"We got a few new adventure books, a new mystery, and lots more fantasy. You know how kids are with fantasy," Emma chuckled.

"Haha, yep. I think I'll take a look at the mystery book," You shrugged.

"You know where to find it," Emma pointed lazily to the mystery section, going back to her area behind the counter to sort out more books.

You walked over to the mystery section, and were rather surprised to see Shuichi browsing the books. Didn't he have a hangover or anything?

"Shuichi?" You gasped in surprise.

The detective jumped a little and turned around, his eyes widening a little. "(Y-Y/N)...? What are you doing here?"

"Um, getting a new book. It's a bookstore after all," You tried to crack a joke, though you frowned a bit when you noticed that Shuichi didn't even smile at your joke.

"Am I in your way? Sorry..." Shuichi squirmed uncomfortably in the small confines of the bookcases.

"No, you're not. I was just gonna check out the new mystery book Emma told me about," You assured.

Shuichi paused for a second before taking a book from the stack in his hands, with the 'NEW BOOK' sticker with the sale price on it, "I think I got to it first..."

"Dang it! Are there any other copies?" You groaned.

"I-I don't know... but you can have it if you want," Shuichi extended the book to you.

You shook your head, pushing it back to him, "First come, first serve. You deserve it anyways."

Shuichi pulled his hat over his eyes as soon as you said that and got quiet, though you could see tears beginning to make his eyes water. Oh no, did I say something wrong?!

"H-hey, what's wrong?!" You started to panic.

"S-sorry... I'll just leave you alone..." Shuichi hurried over to the counter and bought his books, leaving in a rush. Emma gave you a confused look that you returned, having no clue why he suddenly did that. Obviously you upset him, but how?

(Shuichi's POV)

I started up my car with my fingers trembling, a sob escaping my lips. I silently thanked the fact that my windows were completely tinted so nobody could really see inside as I shakily started to drive back to my house.

I wanted to apologize to (Y/N) for suddenly bursting into tears, but I didn't have the words for it. All I could do was run like a coward... just like I always did. It was my fault anyways. "You deserve it anyways" ...Damn it! Why do I always have to think of Kaede when someone says that?!

I sobbed again, feeling worthless and pathetic. No wonder Kaede broke up with me... all I do is cry. I scolded myself. I wiped some tears from the sleeves of my already soaked jacket, hardly watching the road anymore. I knew it was dangerous but I couldn't help it, I was crying too much.

I don't know how I made it to my small, dirty apartment without any crashes but I did. I grabbed the bag of books I'd just bought and dashed up to my apartment before anyone could see me, quickly entering my apartment and locking the door behind me.

Instantly I collapsed onto the couch into sobs, carelessly tossing the books on the coffee table. I wished I had somebody to comfort me, but there was nobody in this dark world. Not a single soul to tell me to get up, to move on... to encourage me. I was left alone to my horrible thoughts of blaming myself for Kaede leaving, blaming myself for everything.

After what felt like ages, I finally stopped crying. I changed into a new jacket and threw my snotty, tear-stained one in the washer, and wiped away the rest of my tears from the couch. I felt ashamed for making a literal puddle, but what happened happened... Once I finished cleaning it up, I made myself a cup of black coffee. I normally didn't like it so bitter but I wanted a distraction, no matter how disgusting.

Word count: 711

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