Chapter Two; Vials

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Chapter Two; Vials

It was a cold night.

Nyx stood in the shadows as she waited patiently for her signal.

Elisik Laboratory stood proudly in front of her, bright lights on every wall making it glow in the night as people walked in and out in dresses and tuxes.

In her wrist was strapped a new and technological device, it seemed like a small phone strapped to her tiny wrist.

She kept glancing at it before she busied herself with counting and inspecting her surroundings.

Nyx wasn't the only one hiding in the shadows though, it made her feel safer to know that she had backup even though it was just some fellow thieves.

"I only count ten guards in the perimeter, the south exit seems fairly empty." She whispered into her wrist, her ear crackling for a second before a male's voice filled her ear,

"Good for us. Francesca will give the signal any second now."

She didn't know either of them for a long time, and they didn't know her. They just sometimes got together if the work demanded it, all three never used their true names- she herself went as Obsidian. For tonight, her partners consisted of Blade and Francesca.

Her wrist vibrated briefly, a bold NOW staring up at her in white capital letters against the blue screen before it went black again.

Nyx didn't waste a second before she snapped into action, her feet propelling her forward as she rushed to the south exit.

She heard thudding and grunts behind her as Blade took care of the guards that would have been able to catch her, her hands busying herself as she knelt in front of the door and put a small bomb into the doorknob.

Nyx twisted to protect her face from any unwanted debris as a small, yet quiet boom went off, and the door slit open behind her.

"I'm in." She whispered before she slid inside the lit building, her eyes wide so she could watch her surroundings for any movement.

She closed the door behind her, glancing up at where she knew the air ducts awaited her.

Nyx gritted her teeth before she jumped up, her fingers curling around the opening of the duct before she let her weight yank it open, a loud thud echoing around the room as she fell on her toes and into a knelt position, waiting for a minute in case she attracted any attention in response to the loud noise.

No one popped inside the room much to her relief, so she easily found herself jumping and climbing inside the vent, grunting as she was forced to army-crawl inside the tiny space.

"Approaching first." She whispered as she crawled closer to where the vent separated into three different ways, according to her studies, the right path was the one she needed to take.

And so, she did, she allowed herself to crawl over the first vent opening, stopping right over the second one as she leaned closer to see inside the room under her.

A single armed guard walked in circles, protecting two vials filled with red liquid as the third was shown to the guests in the other room.

She held her breath as the guard stopped right under her, seeming to sense the danger as he looked around him with furrowed brows.

Nyx tensed her body as she kicked the opening, hearing it thud against the guard's head as she let her body drop over his shoulders.

Her thighs curled around his neck, her upper body twisting to the side as she distributed her weight to swing them both around and to the floor. She grunted as she put strength into her grip, hearing the guy wheeze and start to lose the fight as his hands smacked at her legs for any kind of mercy. She never let go.

Orphic - James Buchanan "Bucky" BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now