Chapter Twenty; Captain America vs Iron Man

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Chapter Twenty; Captain America vs Iron Man

Steve was the bait as he stalled Tony and his gang, enough for Falcon's little pet to find another way out of here.

She had been instructed to stay with Clint and Wanda, while Bucky and Sam ran towards the Quinjet that the other half of the Avengers had used to get here.

Sam's voice entered Nyx's ear he radioed, "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway."

Cap rose his webbed hands in the air and Clint shot it off, easily cutting the web around his hands.

Nyx led the duo to the other side of the parking deck, knowing they were engaged in battle right now.

They tripped on the pavement when tiny bombs went off around them and Clint tried his best to grab the girls and tuck them under him. His body over theirs as a form of protection against any bombs or debris.

"Ah shit." Nyx cursed as she watched Iron Man shoot down at them, before he pointed his glowing hand at them, ready to blast them off.

But of course, he had to speak before anything else, "Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings."

Wanda only scoffed, "You locked me in my room."

Tony only shook his head, "Okay. First, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you."

He turned his face to Nyx, "You one of the good guys now?"

"Nah- good guys always lose. I'm my own guy." She shrugged and Tony nodded with respect, enjoying her honesty,

"Oh, I like you already." He would have sent a wink if he could, but he had his helmet.

He turned to Clint at last, "Hey, Clint."

"Hey, man." Clint smiled briefly before he went back to serious,

"Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you. You got tired of shooting golf?" Tony asked and Barton shrugged, "Well, I played eighteen, I shot eighteen. Just can't seem to miss." He suddenly fired an arrow at Tony which he instantly deflected,

You could hear Tony's arrogance as he told Hawkeye, "First time for everything."

"Made you look."

Suddenly a car slams past Iron Man, and when he looked up dozens more came crashing down while Wanda moved and danced her glowing hands until Iron Man is buried under a pile of cars.

The trio didn't waste time as they rushed to where Captain and Ant-Man were standing, all of them also moving to run to where the Quinjet stood.

Clint took the lead as he pointed forward for both girls to see, "There's our ride."

Captain joined them, a few feet in front of them as they all ran towards the aircraft.

"Come on!" Steve yelled as they were now joined by Sam and Bucky with Ant-Man running after them.

They were forced to halt their running as a fizzing stream of energy cut their path, Nyx looked up as a red guy hovered over their heads- probably Vision if she had heard correctly.

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now."

Tony's team arrived behind Vision and Nyx pursed her lips,

Sam seemed to be the one to voice their question as he asked, "What do we do, Cap?"

"We fight." As soon as he said those words, he started marching forward.

Orphic - James Buchanan "Bucky" BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now