Chapter Four; Needles

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Chapter Four; Needles

Nyx groaned as she woke up, blinking painfully against the white light that shone right into her sore eyes. She tried to lift herself to sit, a clanging sound emitting as she was held down to the cold surface.

Her dark brows furrowed over her features as she looked around in confusion, her head lolled to the side as her eyes caught sight of various doctors adjusting the straps to be tighter against her limbs,

"What are you doing?" She wearily asked, slowly regaining focus as her heart started to beat faster inside her ribcage, she ignored the annoying beeping sound from the machine attached to her finger, her eyes jumping from person to person as she tried to figure out where she was.

A doctor said something in a language she wasn't fluent at, "Das Subjekt 5538 ist zum Eintauchen bereit." Subject 5538 is ready for immersion.

Nyx's chest heaved up and down as she struggled to get out of her bindings, a strap holding her neck down not letting her move much before someone's hands curled around her cheeks as her wide eyes peered up into a female doctor, her pupils wide as she pleaded at the woman to help her, the stranger not even blinking, and Nyx suspected she didn't understand her English words just as Nyx didn't understand what she perceived to be German.

A strap was secured over her forehead, her head forced to stay in one position as she tried to look around with her eyes.

"I swear if you don't let me go." Nyx threatened, her lips cracked as her body silently asked for water and food after having been unconscious for god knows how long.

"Wir sind bereit." We're ready.

A mic crackled with static as a new authoritative voice echoed inside the room, "Genehmigt." Approved.

"Hey, if I stole something from you- I'm not sorry but I can get it back!" Nyx yelled at whoever was the boss of these people, her fingers trembling as fear gripped her heart.

A face appeared in her line of sight; Nyx's eyes were wide with hidden fear as she tried to memorize everything about him for later use.

"You might want to bite on this." She was momentarily stunned that the doctor had spoken in English that she didn't even notice what he had meant until a piece of silicone was forced inside her parted lips and in between her teeth.

She tried to articulate words, rushing as she now knew that someone could understand and communicate with her.

Her heart jumped to her throat as whatever she had been lying on shook, a metal-groan emitting as she felt herself be lowered slowly.

Nyx tried to look around, her eyes only being able to move in frantic circles as they tried to take in what was happening.

She glanced at the glass that rose around her as she was lowered, a gasp passing through her dry lips as she was slowly lowered into a cold liquid. She trashed against the straps holding her down, her hair starting to float around her as she was lowered deeper into the water.

Nyx took in a deep breath as she was forced under, her eyes closing instinctively as the cold liquid chilled her bones.

She tried to hold her breath under the water, not knowing how long she was going to be held.

Nyx heard whirring as gears turned and she hoped that it meant that she was going to be taken out, her lungs beginning to burn from the lack of oxygen.

A scream erupted as needles suddenly pierced her body, her temple, her neck, her wrist, her thighs, her feet- everywhere.

Her eyes snapped open as she gurgled in the water, pain making her trash and cry, her tears mixing with the liquid as she slowly choked to death.

She didn't know what was worse... the liquid burning as it was forced inside her veins through her whole body, or the burning in her chest as she drowned, her body convulsing as it slowly lost the fight against the torture.

Nyx lost consciousness, hoping to the gods that this was where she died. Something told her that if she were to survive... this would look like a piece of cake compared to what awaited her inside this hell.

 this would look like a piece of cake compared to what awaited her inside this hell

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