Chapter Twelve; Nightmares

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Chapter Twelve; Nightmares

Nyx entered the apartment, hearing whimpers that made her hair stand on her arms. She unsheathed the dagger that she always hid under her jacket, her eyes roaming the apartment as she looked for the culprit of the sound.

When she heard Bucky scream, and she forgot everything.

Her legs rushed her forward, and she burst through their room, her lips parted as she frantically looked around for the Soldier and who was hurting him. She would bring hell on earth.

Nyx dropped her dagger as she watched Bucky trash on the bed, his eyes screwed shut while his mouth let out small whimpers of pain. His skin glistened with cold sweat, his hair sticking to some of it while the other was strewn around his head, the sheets ruffled past his waist as he twisted and turned around in the mattress, unconsciously knotting himself with the fabric.

Nyx carefully approached the soldier while calling out his name loudly as she tried to break whatever torment he was stuck in his sleep.

"Bucky." She shook him, his whimpers getting louder and more grueling, "James!" Nyx tapped his cheeks, his hands grabbing a hold of her wrist as he continued to live in his nightmare, "Buck!" She gasped as he applied pressure on her wrist, his metal hand gripping it so tight she was afraid it was about to break her bone.

Nyx grunted before she brought her elbows down with force against his chest, falling backward as Bucky gasped awake and sat up. She hit her ass against the floor, looking up at him with wide eyes as he looked around in a panic, not fully aware yet.

She slowly rose to her knees, softly touching his arm as she spoke lowly in case, she spooked him, "Buck, it's okay. We're free. We're safe." She repeated the small mantra, knowing what he felt as he peered up at her with vulnerable eyes,

"I see them Nyx. I see their faces every night." He whispered brokenly, his bottom lip shaking as he was threatened to get overrun by his emotions.

"I know, handsome... I know." Nyx frowned, both lowering their walls as she threw caution to the wind and sat beside him.

Rule número uno was to never fall in love in this kind of... career. It was just asking to be broken... but seeing Bucky break down in front of her made her decide that she could make an exception for now.

She put her hands around him, forcing him to lay his head on her chest as she sat back and caressed his shaking shoulders.

He didn't cry, he was too tired for it.

It wasn't long before he fell asleep on top of her, his soft snores tickling her skin as she got comfortable with her back against the wall.

Nyx didn't want to risk the chance of him waking up, she knew he had nightmares every night. It was why he almost never slept- as did she.

Her nightmare consisted of Francesca blaming her for her death as she was shot and then burned in front of her before she was crowded with all the people she had been forced to kill by HYDRA's orders.

She understood exactly what he meant when he said that he saw their faces every night.

Her eyes closed against her will tiredly, the feeling of his arms around her waist, and his warmth lolling her to take a nap.

Her eyes closed against her will tiredly, the feeling of his arms around her waist, and his warmth lolling her to take a nap

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Orphic - James Buchanan "Bucky" BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now