Chapter Three; Deal Gone Wrong

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The sweaty trio stood in the middle of the warehouse, harshly looking at the arrogant man dressed in a suit who stood a few feet away from them inspecting one of the vials.

"Fifty thousand." He barked greedily while clutching the vial to his chest.

"Yeah, each one." Blade crossed his arms over his chest, his voice filled with the usual don't-try-to-bullshit-me tone.

Nyx adjusted her hood, making sure it stood stoic on top of her head. She still had a mask protecting her identity, but she still used the hood to protect her hair color and face.

The suited jerk considered Blade's price, his eyes roaming over Francesca's body hungrily, his mouth opening for a second before Nyx stopped him, "Don't even think about it." She snapped as she stepped in his line of sight, enjoying the small step he took back at her sudden hostility.

Blade smirked under his mask, not uttering a word as he stood in front of the girls with a casual aura.

The arrogant man nodded to one of his lackeys, the guard moving to Blade as he presented the case.

Blade grabbed it and passed it to Francesca, knowing the girl would be able to count it just by looking at it briefly.

"There's a million dollars in the case, fifty each." The mafia boss tilted his head in the direction of the black case containing cash.

Nyx glanced back at Francesca, receiving a confirming nod which she hummed to Blade.

Blade heard her easily, nodding once before he handed the second vial to the man.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Blade sarcastically muttered before he made sure both women were walking in front of him as they walked towards the van.

The mafia boss went to say something when suddenly people were breaking through the windows of the warehouse, bullets filling the air as they also poured in from various exits and entries.

"Holy shit." Nyx ducked as she rushed for cover, almost getting shot in the shoulder as her team followed her actions.

Francesca's shrieks echoed in Nyx's ear as blood splashed in her face, her eyes searching for the source as the tiny girl's abdomen started to soak in blood, her pink clothing turning red as the girl fell to the ground in pain.

"Francesca!" Nyx yelled, staying close to the ground as she grasped the girl's armpits and struggled to drag her to cover, Blade seemed to hear their screams and rushed to help her.

Their faces turning somber as the childish genius started coughing up blood. They must have hit an organ, and Nyx turned to attack one of the people shooting at them.

The mafia dude was long dead, one of the first people to die when the bullets rained, a few of his guards shooting at the strangers.

They weren't carrying police vests or anything, just black clothing with a red symbol etched onto their arms which were currently shooting at everyone who moved that weren't clothed the same.

Nyx easily overpowered the guy, stealing his automatic rifle as she used him to shoot him blindly, effectively killing him.

She turned to stand over her team, Francesca's shaky breathing switching into pained moans as Blade tried his best to put pressure on the holes to stop her bleeding.

Nyx shot clumsily, not used to shooting a rifle. She was just a very talented thief- not a murderer... at least she hadn't been until tonight.

A bullet graced her elbow, a hiss escaping her lips as she momentarily stopped shooting to look at her burning elbow.

It seemed that was all they needed as a familiar metal arm snaked around her waist, pressing her body to his chest before a needle was harshly pushed into the soft flesh of her neck.

Nyx trashed as she tried to fight off his grip, panic filling her veins as he pressed on the needle, and a liquid-filled her veins, momentarily burning as she wasn't used to the feeling.

"Oh-" Nyx's trashing grew sluggishly as she slowly fell limp, her weight dropping while she stood standing thanks to his arm around her waist.

Her lids fought to stay open, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as her mind struggled to voice a coherent thought. For some reason, her vision swarmed with black dots before her body fell fully limp, her head dropping forward as her chin connected with her chest.

Nyx moaned as she tried her best to move her limbs while fighting to keep her eyes open, the arm around her waist disappearing as her body was lifted and thrown over his strong shoulder.

Nyx blurrily watched as Blade was injected with something, his response being the same as Francesca held out a bloody hand out for her, a man standing over her head as he pointed a gun at her.

Nyx blinked slowly, time seeming to slow as a bullet was sent into the middle of Francesca's head. The dead girl's eyes staring deep into Nyx's soul as she was carried away by whoever drugged her.

She couldn't even cry- or yell for Francesca- for anyone. The fight had seemed to be betrayed by her body as her hair fell out of her hood and over her head, the blood rushing to her head as her body swayed side to side over the muscled back, her arms were useless as they hanged beside her head, often touching the material of the man's pants as she swayed.

It wasn't long before she loses the battle against the drugs coursing through her system.

The last thing she could remember being the warehouse engulfed in flames before she was thrown inside the trunk of a vehicle.

The last thing she could remember being the warehouse engulfed in flames before she was thrown inside the trunk of a vehicle

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Orphic - James Buchanan "Bucky" BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now