Chapter Ten; Hiding

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Chapter Ten; Hiding

Nyx waited patiently for her order number to be called, a finger subtly adjusting her red hair, which was a wig, so it framed her face carefully.

Her blue eyes survived her surroundings, making sure nothing stood out of place or made her suspicious as she waited for their food.

"Order fifty-eight." An older woman called out as she read the note on the plastic bag, her eyes lifting to look if any customer recognized their number being called.

Nyx raised her hand briefly, a small smile lifting her lips as she thanked the woman and handed her a twenty-dollar bill, "Keep the change."

The tired woman smiled in appreciation as she pocketed the money in her apron, putting an extra cookie for her favorite- and now usual costumer.

"Say hi to that boy of yours, I put his favorite eggroll in there too." The woman nodded towards the bag in Nyx's hands.

Nyx laughed, not correcting her on her assumption that she was in a relationship with Bucky. She waved goodbye before she walked out into the rushed sidewalk, easily blending with the people around her as she walked back to their apartment.

Her attention was momentarily grabbed as she went to pass a candy shop, the tv blaring loudly as the news reporter lady spoke with facts and a serious face, "Eleven Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria, last month. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on an outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred."

She was startled as the guy selling the candy suddenly spoke, "Avengers are just a merry band of freaks. They should pay for every person they have killed..." A scoff left his mouth as he turned to look down at Nyx, "Calling themselves the good guys while they do the same as them. They be thinking they too good to follow the law."

Nyx pursed her lips, not voicing her opinion knowing she was just another freak, as he so mentioned. She smiled politely, glancing at the tv one last time as King of Wakanda, T'Chaka spoke as he demanded accountability from the group of heroes.

She ignored it, moving swiftly down the pavement as she continued to make her way to where they were hiding now.

Nyx easily found the building, climbing the stairs as she hurried to get inside. Her stomach growling as it is anticipating the taste of the Chinese combination, she had bought for her and Bucky.

They for now were staying in Bucharest, having found a small apartment for both to hide in and keep a low profile. They were still being hunted by basically everyone in the world, it made it hard to live a normal life.

She knocked three times on the door, followed by her nails raking against the wood as she announced herself to Bucky. They have come up with this because she had entered once unannounced (mind you, it was also her apartment) and Bucky almost ripped her head off. So now, both did the knocks before entering- it proved useful anyway.

Bucky was showering when she walked in, her veins vibrating as they seemed to sense the water running freely close to her.

"Bucks, I got the food." She called out, hearing the shower turn off to signal that he had heard her, "The lady sends her regards and was kind enough to put your favorite eggroll for free as well." She grinned as she put the bag on the stove, eagerly opening it and taking out the containers.

"You might have to marry that woman, she's too kind to us." Nyx shoved a fork full of food into her mouth, turning around before she choked as her eyes bulged out of her head.

Bucky stared at her in confusion, a towel tied around his waist as he walked up to where she was standing, little droplets of water running down his soft skin which made her eyes zero in on the movement, a hum vibrating through her veins as she resisted the urge to trail her fingers through the wet path.

"I-" Nyx was at a loss for words, her mouth dry as she gulped and took a step back as he neared her in just the damn white towel.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

Nyx's transfixion halted, her face turning red as she glowered at him and turned around to stare at the dirty kitchen wall, "No. Put some damn clothes on, you can't just walk around like that." Nyx growled, a blush coating her cheeks which she tried her best to calm down as she put her hands on her warm skin and patted them, "Y despues solo en toalla, and wet." Nyx continued to grumble under her breath, her food was forgotten as she tried to compose herself. (And then in just a towel)

Bucky was comfortable with her, his boyish charm often catching her by surprise as he let his guard down when they were alone. He also was a cocky little bastard, like tonight.

Nyx turned frigid as Bucky's breath fanned down her neck, goosebumps rising as she felt his presence behind her. He knew exactly what he was doing as he leaned to her left, his metal arm almost touching her as he grabbed his plate of food, his mouth close by her ear yet not enough for him to touch her.

Nyx never moved, her eyes staring straight ahead as she froze and even stopped breathing.

He suddenly leaned away, turning to take a seat on the wooden chair with a small smile before he brought his food to his mouth, eating happily away as if nothing had happened.

Nyx slowly turned to glare at him, her skin on fire and she almost stopped her foot at the loss of contact. But an idea popped in her head, a smile lifting her lips as her eyes darkened and Bucky slowly stopped chewing to stare at her.

"It's on." She only told him, choosing to seat on the kitchen counter and eat happily from her bowl. Her mouth chewed as her brain came up with ways to get back and even, sexual torture was what she excelled at.

 Her mouth chewed as her brain came up with ways to get back and even, sexual torture was what she excelled at

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Orphic - James Buchanan "Bucky" BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now