Chapter Seventeen; My Bitch

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Chapter Seventeen; My Bitch

Nyx groaned as she felt her whole body be in pain, she tried to move but her arms were stuck behind her back and another damn blindfold was on her face.

She was just having a crappy ass week.

"Aye, she's awake." Sam's familiar loud voice called out before steps made their way to her,

"Why are you screaming?" Nyx groaned as she let her head hang on her chest, a splitting headache raging inside her temples,

"I'm not..." Sam pouted at her question before a hand was put on her knee causing her to jump in surprise.

"Who am I speaking to?" Steve's commanding voice vibrated from in front of her, his hand not moving from her knee and

"The dog pound, I'm here to make you my bitch." Nyx responded sarcastically, and the hand disappeared from her knee, "Wait- I'm just kidding!" Nyx called out, a smile threatening to take over her face, but she winced as the blindfold was lifted from her eyes, Sam cutting off the tape on her hands.

She blinked up at Steve, getting used to the lighting as she rubbed her sore wrists. "I admit, I have no control over Siren... she just does what she is ordered." She glanced at Sam apologetically, "She only comes out when she is played a frequency. I thought no one knew about that, just HYDRA."

Steve nodded in understanding before he explained, "He must have known or read about your file, he infiltrated as a doctor. The guy had access to you and Bucky." He nodded towards an unconscious Bucky, which she just noticed.

He had his metallic arm clamped between an industrial vice.

"Why would they do that?" Nyx looked back between Sam and Steve,

"I don't know." Steve answered grimly, his eyes filled with hardship far past his years,

"He only ordered me to be with Bucky and to watch an empire fall." Nyx informed and Steve tried to figure out what that could mean,

Sam grabbed their attention as Bucky slowly woke up, "Hey, Cap."

They both turned to where Bucky sat, they stared questionably at the cringing boy before he spoke, "Steve."

Steve wasn't about to risk anything as he demanded, "Which Bucky am I talking to?"

"Your mom's name was Sarah...You used to wear newspapers in your shoes. Nyx likes to dance in her underwear while listening to whatever her mood matches."

Nyx gasped as she raced to put a hand over Bucky's mouth, "You shut your trap!" She growled in his face, a blush forming in her cheeks as she turned to face the two amused heroes behind her, "He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's clearly lying. I mean I'm a wanted assassin for god's sake, I don't have time to be dancing around."

Sam laughed loudly while Steve only smiled in amusement, "Can't read that in a museum."

Sam stopped laughing as he did a face at Steve's words, "Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?"

Nyx took her hand from Bucky's mouth which was pulled into a frown at Sam's words, he felt the tension in the air, and guiltily asked, "What did I do?"

"Enough." Steve didn't add anything more and Bucky knew he fucked up big time,

"Oh, god, I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words." Bucky spoke softly, his face twisted grimly,

"Who was he?" Steve asked both,

"I don't know."

"Honestly, no clue."

Both spoke at the same time, and Steve seemed to grow irritated with their lack of knowledge,

"People are dead. The bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you both. I need you to do better than "I don't know." Steve looked down at Nyx, his stare making her feel like she was being scolded by her parent.

"He asked me about Bucky and how we met, he also asked about my time as Siren but that's it... I'm sorry I can't answer what you want when I don't have a fucking clue who the hell he was and what he wanted." Nyx blamed her pounding headache for her short temper,

Bucky seemed to sense her patience running thin because he decided to grab Steve's attention, "He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where."

Nyx turned to look down at him, waiting for him to expand,

Steve seemed to want the same as he asked, "Why would he need to know that?"

Bucky grimaced, "Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier."

"Oh great. More of yous." Nyx groaned as she walked back to her chair tiredly one finger pressed to her throbbing temple.

" Nyx groaned as she walked back to her chair tiredly one finger pressed to her throbbing temple

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Orphic - James Buchanan "Bucky" BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now