Chapter Twenty-One; Tony's Mom

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Chapter Twenty-One; Tony's Mom

Bucky shook her awake as Steve landed the Quinjet besides Zemo's truck.

Nyx rubbed her face free of sleep, moving to strap on weapons into her holsters as Bucky followed her lead.

She briefly glanced out the window, seeing icy mountains around them, snow covering the ground while some fell from the sky with the cold wind.

"I can make this warmer if you guys want." Nyx offered as they walked to the exit ramp and waited for it to descend.

Steve looked out into the white paradise, a shiver racking through the woman's shoulders as the cold wind blew at them, her hood almost falling as her hair threatened to blowback from the force of the gust.

"It's okay, it's a nice change of scenery." Steve smiled down at her and Nyx nodded at him, she faced forward enjoying the view which she hadn't been used to. He was right, it was a nice change in scenery.

Nyx was the first to walk out, letting the boys converse as she scoured the surroundings for any visitors that might jump at them.

She followed the trail, her eyes looking up at a huge rock that was turned into an entrance with the door ajar which caused her to instinctively grab two daggers in her hands.

"Soldiers!" Nyx called out before she was flanked by the men, Bucky to her right as they inspected what had gotten her alert.

Steve looked at the door with his mouth set in a line, "He can't have been here more than a few hours."

Bucky only clenched his jaw, "Long enough to wake them up."

The wind howled around them, and with a shared glance between them, Steve took point and Bucky pushed Nyx to walk in front of him.

She held back any remarks as she found herself once again in the middle of their little line, both males knowingly putting her there in case they got ambushed.

She hoped it was because she could jump over them at any time and not because they wanted to protect her.

They entered the cold building, easily finding an elevator to take them down to the floor Bucky knew contained the other Winter Soldiers.

Nyx never let go of her weapons as she faced the caged door, patiently waiting until they reached their floor.

She felt Steve nod at Bucky from beside her, both sharing a look over her head before Steve heaved up the cage door, a rattling sound echoing inside the hallway before they infiltrated.

Bucky took point as he was the one with the heavy-duty machine gun, Nyx was behind him with her knives at the ready as her eyes started to glow, Steve was close to her back, his arm outstretched as he put his shield in between all of them as protection.

They walked silently, knees bent as their mouths pressed together, deep breaths to calm their hearts as they looked around them for any signs of the doctor or soldiers.

The trio had just begun to climb up the stairs when they were startled by the door of the elevator creaking. The trio spun around in preparation, Bucky's gun aimed over Nyx's head, her body low on the ground as Steve protected all of them with the shield.

A door creaked and Nyx moved her weight for a more comfortable position, hearing Steve ask, "You ready?"

"Yeah." Bucky whispered and Nyx smirked, "I was born ready, Stevie boi."

Orphic - James Buchanan "Bucky" BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now