Chapter 47

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"Very well done, I'm impressed" I turned and saw the reaper side. She clapped slowly with a small grin. "You poisoned her" I said standing and storming over. "Are you that hungry for control that you would kill Crow off?" I asked not really expecting a reply. She shrugged and walked around me. "I've done worse" she stated and seemed to be surveying the area. "You are evil, I cant believe you are part of me" I growled. She rolled her eyes "Someone had to have your darkness darling, I just chose to have it" she said standing in front of me; we were inches apart. I felt my heart beating getting faster, the blood rushed up to my head and I swear I was fighting another inner demon to stay calm. I looked at Crow out of the corner of my eye, her eyes held sadness? regret? maybe betrayal.  I didn't know what made me act but I felt protective over Crow. In one smooth motion I wrapped my hands around the reaper sides throat and tackled her.

"I hate you! I'll kill you!" I yelled. "You ruined everything, I had the perfect life then had to figure things out" I continued.  "(Y/n) stop!" Crow said, she grabbed me and pried me away from strangling the other side to death...if it was possible.  The other side coughed and stood up rubbing her throat. She looked at me wide eyed, kind of stunned I would do that, and backed up a little. "Yeah you better be scared! I might be human at the moment but I'm dangerous" I spat, as I was still being held back.  "Calm down (y/n)" Crow said shakily. After a while I felt myself calm down and being able to properly think.

Crow let go of me and I didn't move. "So why are you here" I asked. "Look I'm here just for a moments rest, if I had known you were plotting against me" she paused giving a side eye towards Crow. "Well you haven't been exactly kind to her have you?" I said.  She rolled her eyes, "anyways I came down here for a break and to tell you I'm now able to leave the mansion" she said straightening her posture. Crows hand rested on my shoulder, ready to hold me back again. I knew she was trying to get under my skin but even if I tried to attack her I would still just be trapped. I took a deep breath "okay, have fun" I gave her a forced smile, I turned around grabbing Crow and walking back to the broken mirror. 

"What are you doing?" Crow whispered but didn't try to struggle. "Trust me, I'll get her back soon" I muttered, I glanced back and the reaper side was gone. I came to a stop and sat down with Crow. "Listen, this might be a stretch but what if I could access more powers, I am basically in a human body yet I still was able to heal you." I said trying to form the correct words. "If we can unlock more power then maybe we could take her down, I just don't know how long it will take" I sighed rubbing my temples. "I like it, I don't think I can help you but please take her down" she said. I nodded and lied on my back staring up at the nothingness.  "Well I'll start trying to work something out, if you think of anything let me know" I said and closed my eyes.


I screamed, I had been practicing none stop and couldn't get back to the flame, every time I either fell asleep or got pushed out by some mental block. I ran my hand through my hair before walking over to the mental view of seeing the reaper side control my body. She hadn't lied, she was able to go out and explore the town as long as she stayed away from the manor, Undertakers, and the reapers work place. It angered me that I couldn't make any progress. "Hey (y/n)" Crow called walking over. She had been sticking with me but I noticed she liked staying in the memory section. "Any luck?" she asked, I shook my head. "Its hopeless, I want so bad to be in control, I miss my life" I sighed. "I just want to run back to Adrian and stay in his arms, I want him never to let me go" I said. I noticed Crows expression change but she tried to cover it up before I noticed. "It's not to bad though" I smiled, she looked at me shocked. "Even if you and I didn't get along right away, I like to think we are friends and I think of you as a sibling in a way" I bit the inside of my cheek hoping it made her happy to hear. She grinned looking down to try and hide it "thanks, I'm sorry I couldn't understand at first" she said. 

"No problem, at least if I'm trapped, I'm trapped with someone I like" I said. "What if we combined to access your power, maybe you need the aid of someone else power with your energy?" Crow said. I stared at her and thought back. It made sense that I was able to heal her because I had been using my energy to access her power to multiply it so she could heal.

"Crow your a genius" 

(Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, I apologize it took so long but it turned out okay! Thanks for the support <3)

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