Chapter 49

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"(Y/n) love? is that you?" Adrian spoke walking into the room.  I tried to speak but my voice was gone, the reaper side didn't even try to hide the fact it wasn't me. "Sorry hun, she's not here right now" she said with a chuckle. I felt my heartbreak watching Adrian take in what was happening. "(y/n?)" I turned around seeing Crow. "Sorry Crow, something came up" I sighed. She came over and looked up "that's Adrian" she said. I nodded not looking away. "They were able to catch her so she's trapped in the manors basement" I explained. We both watched, no one spoke, Adrian took one last look and left the room. I felt a burning in my chest, it grew until my whole body felt like it was burning.

"Crow, I don't know about you but I think it's time to get back to work" I said. I felt stronger knowing we were a step closer to winning. I sat down crossing my legs. I took 3 deep breaths closing my eyes and focusing on the energy. Everything else began to fade, my thoughts and hearing...I continued my breathing and imagined the energy growing, it showed the flames. The flames got larger seeming to fight against each other for power. I took 3 more deep breaths as the flames calmed. The flames faded from my mind but I could still sense them. I focused the flames to be in my hands, feeling heat begin to form. I kept my eyes shut and played around with moving the heat.

I opened my eyes, I was still on the ground but Crow was nowhere to be seen. I felt a hole in my stomach, I stood up and walked slowly to the mirrors. I stepped through and looked around not seeing anyone. I relaxed and turned out heading to the memories. I smiled seeing her there asleep. I walked over, sitting next to her. I looked at her for a moment, I placed my hand on her head and felt a tingle. I closed my eyes letting the warmth travel to her. A image began to form as if I was being drawn into her dream. Once the image formed I watched as I saw Crow with my family. She just was having a normal life in the manor with my father helping with work. I followed her around as she stopped at the library and sat there reading until my father joined her. I smiled, she seemed happy.

I was yanked from the dream all of a sudden. I looked around and locked eyes with the reaper side. She held the scythe, her hair was a mess. "You ruin everything" she yelled, she ran towards me, I pushed Crow out of the way and rolled. The scythe landed right next to me, I jumped up. My blood boiled looking at her, I gave her a small smile. "Someone's not so happy" I said giving her a pout. She glared picking up the scythe. "I should kill you here and now" she hissed walking towards me. "Sorry but that can't happen" I said turning on my heels and bolting.

I knew Crow was awake by now but I couldn't help her until I escaped the reaper. My legs began to burn yelling at me to stop. I took that as a sign I was far enough away from Crow to get in the way and stopped. I watched the reaper stop, she gripped the scythe so tightly her knuckles turned white. "No where to run now" she growled stepping closer. "You're right" I sighed walk towards her. She seemed surprised and didn't attack. "What are you going to do? Punch me?" She mocked, leaning onto her scythe. I felt the heat begin to form in my hand, I raised it and slapped her before backing up. She let out a scream holding her cheek.

"What did you do? It burns" she hissed, removing her hand I noticed a burn in the form of a hand on her cheek. "You're the one who stood still" I shrugged. Her eyes flashed a blinding green before she ran at me, I tripped over my own feet and looked up at her. She lifted up the scythe and swung down. I held my arms out to protect myself. "Don't touch her" I heard crow scream, tackling the reaper side to the ground. The scythe flew from her grip landing next to me. I watched Crow and the reaper side wrestling on the ground.

I ran towards the scythe grabbing it. I felt pain shoot through my whole body, but I didn't let go. The pain subsided and I looked at both of them. I widened my eyes seeing Crow on the floor unconscious like my dream. I wasn't going to repeat any of that.  I ran towards the reaper slashing at her. "Don't you dare touch her again" I hissed, she stumbled back looking at me. "She knew better" she state before snapping her fingers. I felt the scythe begin to disappear, my grip tightened, I focused everything on keeping the scythe in my hands.  She let out a scream pulling at her hair.

"Why do you take everything!" She sneered not moving. I frowned looking closely at her "I don't, you just had to find a way to talk to me" I said lowering the scythe.  I stepped towards her reaching out. "What do you want?" I asked.  She glared looking away. I patiently waited, it was like she was having a battle with herself about opening up to me. "I want to have my own life and control" she muttered looking at me. When she said that something clicked with me.

"I can do that"

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