Chapter 20

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I looked over at undertaker as he did the same. Screw it. I leaned over and kissed him as he returned it. He pulled away getting out of the carriage then lending me a hand. I took his hand as he helped me out. I picked up my dress as we walked to the mansion, once up by the door undertaker knocked twice before the door opened revealing the butler. I looked away as he stared at mebas if trying to find my soul. "Welcome" he said allowing us to enter. "Thank you very much" I said putting on my smile. "Who did you bring with you miss..." he started "Lady (y/n)" Undertaker corrected voice strained. "My mistake" he bowed.
"Claude who is it!" A voice yelled as I saw the blonde boy appear at the top of the stairs. "Oh your here" he said running down the stairs like a child. He looked over at undertaker with a glare then turning to me with a smile "who is he?" Alois asked. "Oh he is my family friend, he will be accompanying me while my father is away" I answered. Alois made a O expression then grabbed my hand and dragged me off. What does this kid think he is doing?! I looked behind me to see undertaker just watching. I tripped over my dress almost falling but caught myself. He let go of my as I looked at where we were. "The garden, the finest in all of London" he said bragging.

Ceils garden is more impressive in my opinion. I nodded as I found a bench to sit on. "Lord trancy if you don't mind me asking but I am feeling slightly hungry from the ride over here" I say as he nods. "Of course!" He says standing up "Claude!" He yells as his butler appears and bows. "Get lady (y/n) some food and tea" Alois ordered, Claude bowed and left. "This is a amazing garden Lord Trancy" I say looking at all the flowers. "Thank you, do want to take a walk lady (y/n)?" he asked giving off a smirk. I shuddered but nodded taking his hand as he led me around the garden.
Once we finished walking we went inside to see food on the table and no sign of Undertaker or Claude. "Please eat" Alois says sitting down at the other end. "Thank you sir" I say sitting down and looking around. "This is a very nice manor" I say as I pick up a fork and take a bite of the salad. "Of course, I am a trancy" he says putting on his smirk. I give him a smile going back to my salad. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump I whipped my head up to the person to see undertaker with a not so happy frown. "Lady (y/n) we need to go" he says, I nod getting up. "Thank you again Lord Trancy" I say giving a curt nod as we make our way out of the manor. Undertaker helps me into the carriage then gets in closing the door. Once we start moving I take his hand "what happened?" I asked as I felt him relax under my touch.

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