Chapter 4

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I walked to the undertakers building and knocked on the door walking in. "Undertaker!" I called out waiting for a laugh "hehehehe~ hello love" I heard him say. I turned around and screamed seeing him right behind me. "What the hell?!" I pushed him back as he just laughed. I slowly felt a smile creep onto my face and started to giggle until we both were in a fit of laughter. "I will get you back" I giggled at him and watched him stop laughing. "Okay sure love, come help me with my guest" he replied making me follow him to a dead body. As we walked back I grabbed a few jars and set them down on one of the tables in the room. "Very good I don't need to tell you that anymore you just do it~ hehehehehehe" he laughed as he started to cut the body open and take out the organs and fluids. "So why didn't you go to the ball?" I asked setting everything in the jars. "I knew you guys could handle it because they had a great actress, oh and put those in that one not this one" he told me pointing at a smaller jar. "Oh, well you should have came it was very nice other then that creep" I sighed and shivered. "You cold? hehe~" he asked as I shook my head "no just remembered how stupid I was to walk into a room without thinking" I sighed sitting down. "Don't give up now, we aren't done with the guest" his smile grew making me smile. I stood up and helped him the rest of the night with his body's or guests he calls them. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I was somewhere cramped and dark. I tried to sit up but hit my head, I started to freak out and push the the top opening it. I was in a coffin A COFFIN!!! "Undertaker!" I screamed walking to the back. "Yes, What is it love" he asked sitting up in a coffin. "I was in a coffin...A COFFIN do you want me dead?!" I asked him now furious. "Why don't you ask your dad or young lord, you did stay here all night and it is 5:00" he giggled making me go pale. "I'm so fucked!" I shrieked and ran out of the shop to the mansion.
Once I got to the mansion I snuck in through my window and going to my closet grabbing my maid outfit. I snuck downstairs and looked around to see what I needed to do. "The young lord will wake up around 2 hours" I whispered doing some calculations. I went to the kitchen making some food leaving it in the oven to stay warm but not to burn I then started the tea, earl grey of course. I set the tea on the stove and watched as it heated up. "I wonder, why were you home late" I went pale and turned around to see my father. "Oh um..." I tried to think of something. "Please don't tell me you were with that man" he stated locking eyes with me. "Well um I stayed to help out then fell asleep...nothing happened though" I told him thinking of the right words.
"You will not go near him unless told to" my father spoke walking off leaving me confused and mad. My eyes went crimson "make me then" I grumbled taking the tea off and setting it on a tray and left it. I made my way to the garden and stared at the dark sky. I heard a click and looked to where I heared it. I walked over and looked behind a bush "Grell..." I started "Oh (y/n) I wasn't doing anything" he-well she stated frantically. "My father is probably in his room, the one right over there" I pointed at the window. "Oh thank you! Wait is something wrong dear?" She asked. "Just father problems and telling me I can't go see undertaker unless told" I groaned regretting telling Grell. "Your in Love!" Grell screamed as I covered up her mouth. "Shhhhhh and no I'm not, just friends I guess" I told her walking off. "Bassy will be here in 15 seconds" I imitated Grell walking off with a grin to leave her gaping.
I went back to see the time and noticed the young lord was awake. Knowing my father would be dealing with Grell. I walked into the room and made my way over and shook him lightly "young lord time to get up" I spoke as he opened his eye. "Where is Sebastian?!" He exclaimed sitting up with a reddish face, probably embarrassed. "My father is tending to a disturbance" I told him. "I am taking over for him" I told him waiting for a command. "What no" he spoke. "Young lord don't be so stubborn it does not Nader if I am female" I told him leaning down to his level. "N-no!" He stated as I felt a hand go across my cheek. " I see, I will go get my father" I bowed and walked out and saw my father. "Don't say it" I growled as he smirked and walked in. I rubbed my cheek and sighed walking to the kitchen and asked Bard if we needed anything. "Here go to town and buy all of this" he handed me a list. I took it, bowed and left to the town with a faint smile.

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