Chapter 14

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Peter was so surprised at what he just heard that he couldn't say anything for a minute. All he could do was stare at Mera with wide eyes.

The thought did not even come to his mind at all beforehand. Although now that he thought about it, it made total sense considering that they both looked extremely similar to each other, but still.

"You have a twin sister?" Peter asked after a few minutes of silence. Mera nodded her head in response. "And why haven't you told me about this?"

Mera just winced as she looked down to the ground. "I'm sorry Peter. I just really hate talking about her." She then finally got off the bed and started pacing the room. "I just never thought that I would see her face again after all of this time."

"Well technically, you still haven't. I did." Peter interjected. "But based off the look she gave me, she didn't seem to be a friendly." Mera suddenly turned to him with a stern expression and stopped pacing.

"She's not. And truth be told you're lucky that all you got was a dirty look Peter." Mera said.

'Damn, she must really be bad if that's the case.' Peter thought to himself. "So what's your beef with her then?" he asked.

"Her name's Hila. Back when we were little kids, we always got along with each other. In fact, we were practically inseparable. We played together, laughed with each other, did all sorts of things together." Mera started to explain. A small smile emerged on her face as the benevolent memories appeared in her eyes. "But when my mother died, everything changed."

"As you have told me." Peter said, remembering their conversation they had about Mera's struggles after her mother passed.

"Well I left out this part." Mera said with a sorrowful look on her face. "Other than me, mother was the only other person that Hila was connected to. When she died, she then started to become more distant from me, our father......everyone. She'd hardly talk to anybody, and she wold spend all of her time alone. And then later on, she became short-tempered with anyone and everyone that she came in contact with. Now she was always the black sheep of the family, but her behavior was amplifying times a thousand by this time. Even if you spoke a single word to her, she would just snap right at you, full of anger."

"Yow. And I thought Jameson was short-tempered." Peter commented, earning a flat look from Mera. "Sorry. I have a bad habit of making bizarre comments in the most inopportune times." he added.

Mera just waived it off and continued. "As I was saying, soon her actions started to change as well. She became more aggressive, ruthless, reckless and malicious. And she would look for any reason to do damage to someone. In fact one time, she almost raped a guy because he wasn't looking in her direction. Had my dad not gotten then when he did......" she trailed off.

"She sounds crazy." Peter said. "No offense." he quickly added.

"Non taken." Mera shrugged. "And when it came to me, for some reason, she seemed to have a negative perspective. She would always send me glares, bump me intentionally, or try to treat me like I was beneath her. And that only amplified when I was chosen to lead Xebel after my father. She would then come up with insults about me and write them on the walls of my bedroom for me to look at, and then create lies to spread around to the kingdom about how terrible of a sister I was."

Peter exhaled sharply through his nose and closed his eyes tightly. His fist had balled up tightly as he listened to the terrible things that Mera had to endure because of her own rotten sister.

"Then one fateful day, she had reached her climax." Mera said, while shaking her head. "One night, while I was asleep, I was kidnapped and taken to an area far away from Xebel. When I awoke, I was looking into the faces of two hideous-looking guys. My sister was standing right in between them. She had every intention of killing me there, where no one could hear me scream. She then left me to return to the kingdom and let her two flunkies kill me. Fortunately, I was saved by someone. Wanna take a guess who it was?"  she asked, looking at Peter, who by now was furious with what he was hearing.

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