Chapter 5

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Spider-Man swung through the city towards the factory over on the other side of the city. Mera, dressed in her vintage green suit, followed him along on her water cyclone. The second that they got there, Mera instantly stiffened.

She was very aware that it was factories such as this that were part of the reason why the ocean has been polluted for over a century. And the sad truth is, that even though they now know that Atlanteans exist in the ocean, some of them won't even care and continue to pollute the waters. Not all, but some.

Spider-Man on the other hand was too busy surveying the men around the area. It may be dark, but he could still make out the silhouettes of the the men surrounding the two trucks in the middle of the yard.

"Let's get to it." Mera said, stepping forward, but Spider-Man shot an arm out to stop her. "What is it Pete?" she asked in confusion.

Spider-Man turned to her and said, "It may be best to be stealthy when taking these guys out. Otherwise, they'll call for reinforcements."

Mera blinked a couple of times in thought before asking, "But once they notice that their guys are gone, won't they still call for reinforcements?"

Spider-Man grinned under his mask. "Mera, here's the thing about thugs. Low level guys like these.....they're not very smart. Even if they did notice that they're gone, more likely they will be too busy to find out why they're gone, instead of calling for backup. And then........they try to take care of it themselves......And they get their asses me."

Mera could just hear the smile in his voice as he elaborated to her and fought against rolling her eyes. "Fine Peter we'll do it your way." she said.

Spider-Man nodded and swung closer to the scene, observing all of the snipers on the rooftops and pillars surrounding the factory. "You see those snipers over there?" he asked, pointing to the guys with guns on the roof. "Let's take them out first. And remember........quietly."

"Got it." Mera said. She then hovered behind a sniper on a pillar. Quickly and quietly, she used her water from her water balls on her hip to knock the gun out of the thug's hands. Then, before he could even shout, Spider-Man webbed him up and stuck him to the nearby pole.

"Teamwork make the dream work." Spider-Man said, swinging to the next thug. Soon enough, they took out all of the snipers, without alerting a single member of the thugs on the ground, much to Mera's surprise.

"You weren't kidding Peter. These guys are so unobservant." Mera commented, shaking her head as they were both on the roof of the factory once all the snipers were knocked out.

"Yeah. But I'm not complaining about it." Spider-Man said, gleefully. He then looked down at the sniper to see the uniform, and maybe see who it was that he was working for. The only indication present was the giant 'T' on the upper right part of his vest. But it was enough for Spider-Man to know who's logo this was. "Oh splendid." he muttered darkly.

"What? What is it now?" she asked, glancing from her boyfriend to the unconscious sniper. Spider-Man didn't answer her, and went to look at the remaining thugs on the ground. "Peter.......what is it?" Mera asked in a more serious and irritated voice.

"I just found out who it is they're working for." Spider-Man said.

"Who is it then?" Mera asked, walking up to him.

"Let's take the rest of these guys out, then I'll tell you." Spider-Man said. Mera huffed in irritation at her boyfriend, and looked back down at the thugs.

"Fine. But I'm doing it my way." Mera said in a harsh tone of voice, just before jumping off the roof and punching out the thug just underneath her.

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