Chapter 6

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Peter returned to the apartment soon after the cops came and collected Tombstone's thugs. He found Mera asleep upon his bed, and he couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked. He was so lost in thought that he accidentally slammed the door harder than he wanted to, causing him to wince in response.

Mera groaned at the noise. But in truth, she couldn't really sleep, due to to some things on her mind. She sat up from the bed and rubbed her eyes before locking her gaze onto Peter.

"Sorry I woke you up." Peter said, placing his stuff onto the nearby table.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't even asleep to begin with." Mera admitted. She then patted the spot next to herself for Peter to sit. Without hesitation, despite being in his casuals and not pajamas, Peter obliged.

"Having trouble sleeping?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her. "It's been at least a couple of hours since the factory." Mera averted her eyes to the ground, which signaled to Peter that she was feeling uncomfortable about something. "What's wrong?" he asked, his hold on her tightening.

Mera just looked up at him with a soft expression and raised a hand to cup his face. "I'm sorry for being short with you earlier." she whispered.

"What? Is that what this is about?" he asked with a small smile. "Mera it's-"

"No Peter. It's not okay." Mera cut in. "I was short with you and I have no idea why. But you don't deserve that. So I'm sorry."

Peter just hugged her tighter and whispered, "I'm not mad. All is forgiven." He smiled as he felt Mera's arms wrap around himself in response. He breathed in her ocean scent as they held each other for minutes in silence. Then Mera pulled her head away to look at Peter, but still kept her hold on him.

"What were you doing for the last couple of hours?" she asked out of curiosity.

Peter smiled at her and got off the bed, much to Mera's dismay. She thought at first that she said something to offend him and was about to apologize again, when he went over to his pack that he set on the table upon arriving. He then pulled out the mask that the first thug used on them last night.

Mera's eyes went from the mask to Peter's grin and back again. "You're gonna do drugs now Peter?" she asked with a strict yet concerning voice. Peter chuckled at Mera's question and shook his head.

"No Red." he said, making her heart flutter at his nickname for her. "I'm going to take this to work tomorrow, and use the rest of these items from the truck to make a counter-drug." He continued, patting his bag on the table.

Mera quickly figured out what it was that he was aiming to do. "You're trying to make a cure for Tombstone aren't you?" she asked.

"A smart cookie you are beloved." Peter said with a smile. He put the mask back in his bag, only to be met by a confused Mera, with her head tilted to the side. Her bright red hair fell off of her shoulder, which made her look even more beautiful in the moment to Peter.

"What do you mean 'smart cookie?'" she asked.

Peter chuckled again, forgetting that Mera was not yet familiar with how human speak. "What I mean is that you're really smart." he said.

Mera blinked once as she registered the information. She then grinned mischievously at Peter. It was Peter's turn to look at her in confusion this time. 'Is this a good thing?' he thought to himself as he waited for Mera to say something.

"Oh really? Well if that's the case, then you would be very interested in what is going through my mind right now." she said seductively, all while curling her finger for him to come closer.

Oh this for damn sure was a good thing!

"Enlighten me." Peter said, going straight back to the bed.

Once he was in her reach, Mera shot her arms out, grabbed him, and then yanked him towards her with incredible power. Before Peter could even yell out in surprise, Mera smashed her lips onto his and cupped his face. Quickly, he melted into the kiss as she leaned backwards onto the bed. The intensity of their kiss only increased with each passing moment, with both of them filling each other with more lust, and displaying it to each other.

Mera then quickly flipped them over so she could stare down at Peter. Seeing his hair all messed up, with slightly swollen lips only made him all that more irresistible to her and she leaned down and kissed him again. Then she trailed her kisses from his mouth to his neck in a slow and some-what teasing sort of fashion. Peter then groaned loudly once she sucked hard on his jugular.

"T-That's a new move." he stammered, all while enjoying the feeling. Mera stopped sucking his neck and went to his ear.

"I'm just getting started." she whispered, nibbling on his earlobe. Peter groaned once more, before he picked her up and pinned her against the wall. He kept a firm grasp on her, making sure that she wouldn't fall, considering she had no spider powers.

"Well I've got a few tricks up my sleeve too." he said, kissing her again. It was a hard kiss, but it proved to be short as Mera pulled back to look at him.

"Enlighten me." she said, gazing at him with a benevolent and lustful smile while copying his words. Peter's smile widened even more.

"With pleasure, your majesty." he responded.


The couple awoke peacefully the next morning, before realizing the aftermath of their little, "episode" last night.

There were web strands, ice marks and wet spots on just about every object in sight. On the walls, the chairs, the couch, the bed, the floor, even on each other. Peter turned his gaze to Mera, who was already staring dreamily at him.

"Morning beautiful." Peter said with a smile. Mera said nothing, but leaned forward to plant her lips upon his. Clearly she was intending to continue their actions from last night. As much as Peter wanted this, and boy did he ever, he knew he had to go to work. "Mera, sweetheart, I love you, but I need to get ready for work." he said, pulling away slightly.

Mera quirked a brow, with her smile never faltering. "The only thing you should be working on now is me." she whispered.

Peter dipped his head with a chuckle, causing Mera's smile to widen. Something about the way he dips his head and laughs was so ridiculously adorable to her. Okay everything that Peter did was ridiculously adorable to her, but still....

"I know, I know." Peter said nodding, before gently separating from Mera. "But I still have a job to do. And a counter-drug to make."

"Choosing drugs and labor over me.......I'm flabbergasted." Mera said with a pout. Peter knew thought that she was just messing with him, and continued to get dressed. As he did however, the cramp from yesterday came back to her and she doubled over while grunting. "What is this thing?" she asked to herself, not wanting Peter to overhear her at the moment.

Before-long, they both got their clothes on, and Peter placed his stuff near the door before returning to Mera. The two embraced as Mera said to him, "Are you sure you can't stay home today?"

"I'm sure Mera." Peter said dejectedly.

"Well you could call in sick." she offered, and then she got her phone out and put it to her cheek. "Hello, yeah hi, this is Peter Parker. I just called to tell you that I have an eye problem today. See here's the thing.....I just can't see myself coming in to work today."

Peter burst into laughter, with Mera soon joining him. "Oh, Mera you really are hilarious." Peter said between laughs. He then leaned in and kissed her one last time, before picking up his stuff. "I need to go now. I love you."

"I love you too. And I'll pop by when you're done to see what you made." she said.

"Alright. See you then." Peter said, before opening the door and heading out. With one last look at Mera, he suddenly went out of sight around the corner.

Mera then closed the door and leaned back against it all while being on cloud nine. She really loved that guy.

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