Chapter 19

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Peter awoke the next morning with something red and ocean-scented right in his face. He smiled to himself as he moved Mera's red hair out of his face and continued to lay there. Mera was still sound asleep, and still had her arms wrapped around his head. It was as if he was her own teddy bear that she was cuddling.

Peter embraced every single moment of this. This was how they would always wake up together before all the trauma happened. This was that feeling of mirth he got every time he was around her or thinking about her. Lately though, every time he would think about her, he would wonder if she was safe and protecting the child and he would be full of concern, instead of happiness and joy.

The loss of their daughter saddened him deeply, and he could be certain that Mera was feeling the exact same way about it. But having Mera back in his life, he knows that with time, he will eventually heal.

Speaking of Mera, he heard a yawn occur just above him and tilted his head up so that he could see her face. Even upside-down, her smile was as bright as ever.

"Hey you." Peter said with a large grin. A grin which Mera found too irresistible to not kiss. She placed a soft kiss onto Peter's lips, before moving herself to where she could see his face right side-up.

"Hey handsome." she responded with a flirtatious voice.

"Feels nice to be back." Peter commented with glee.

"Back to what?" Mera asked a little confused. "Oh wait.....I see what you mean now." she added.

Peter chuckled, and started to get up. But he soon found himself being pulled back down onto the bed. He looked up at Mera's face, which was now set in a mischievous smirk.

"There are other things that I want to get back to you know." she said, leaning down and beginning to kiss Peter's neck. Peter let out a low groan in response.

"Oh really? Enlighten me Mera." Peter whispered, though he knew very well what it is she was referring to.

He just wanted to hear her say it.

"Problem solving." Mera whispered, pulling away slightly.

Peter quirked an eyebrow in interest, awaiting for her to continue. "I'm trying to get turned on for the day. But I can't do it without my ignition key......see where the problem is?" she asked.

Peter chuckled and blushed in response, which caused the smile on Mera's face to widen. It's been far too long since she had seen that blissful smile on his face. She felt butterflies in her stomach as a result.

"Well then....." Peter started, tightening her hold on Mera, which only riled her up even more than she already was. "Let's fix that problem." he finished.

The two then rolled off of the bed and onto the floor, laughing with each other all the way down.


Peter, now dressed as Spider-Man, was perched on top of the Colexco building along with Mera. She was dressed in her green Atlantean armor, which was a rare occurrence. They were currently on crime patrol together, looking for any sightings of trouble.

"Still nothing." Mera said, sounding a little bit frustrated. She then got up and started pacing back and forth behind her boyfriend.

"Be patient Mera. Something will come up." Spider-Man said. Mera sighed and continued to pace back and forth. It remained silent for a moment, before Spider-Man finally mustered enough courage to speak again. "Hey Mera?" he asked.

"Yes?" Mera asked, stopping her pacing to look at Spider-Man.

"I wanted to ask you something." he said, turning towards her and taking off his mask. Mera got a little concerned when she saw that he took his mask off.

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