Chapter 25

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Both Spider-Man and Mera leaped out of the way as Venom crashed his fists into the ground where they were standing. Spider-Man then jumped away again as Venom stretched his arm out to try and grab him.

Mera took advantage of his distraction and threw a hard punch to the back of Venom's head. Venom grunted and turned around and roared at the sea princess, only to get smacked in the back from Spider-Man as he delivered a hard kick to Venom's back.

Venom then grabbed the two with surprising speed and threw both of them to the nearby walls. Spider-Man was able to catch himself in mid-air, but Mera hit the wall with a thud.

Scowling under his mask, Spider-Man advanced once again on Venom. However, Venom hit him with a back hand and sent Spider-Man onto the top of another building. Venom then jumped over and shot a web to the downed hero. But Spider-Man used the element of surprise, and shot up off the ground, grabbed the web and yanked on it to send Venom hurtling his way.

Once he was in range, Spider-Man then launched onto his back and used his feet to kick Venom up into the air. Mera, who was already airborne on her scooter, swooped in, grabbed Venom, and then slammed him back down onto the roof. The impact caused the ground to crack a little from where Venom landed. And before Venom could move to get up, he was met with a hard kick from Spider-Man that sent him to the edge of the building.

Spider-Man then went to reach into his bag to use a sonic spider, but a large black fist connected with his face before he could. The bag was flung to the edge of the building and would have fallen had Mera not grabbed a hold of it in time.

Venom then lunged for the Mera, who was now holding the bag in her hands. Mera rolled out of the way to avoid the anti hero, grabbed a sonic spider from Peter's bag and threw it in Venom's direction.

The device went off, and the symbiote on Venom started acting crazy. Venom cried out in pain, and looked down and stomped on the sonic spider to stop the sound.

"Cheap toys won't save you." Venom said with a hiss. But then two webs came from above, stuck to Venom and lifted him up.

Venom was then decked from a punch from Spider-Man as he latched onto the billboard above them. Spider-Man then looked into Mera's direction.

"Freeze him to the ground!" he shouted.

Mera did as she was told and shot water at Venom to freeze him. The ice formed around both of his feet. While Venom was preoccupied, Spider-Man and Mera placed sonic spiders all around him, activating each one to go off.

The sonic noises caused the symbiote to once again act crazy. Spider-Man could even see bits of human flesh and red hair appear from the black ooze.

"Harry!" Spider-Man shouted, stepping towards him. But the symbiote soon covered itself over those bits of Harry. And then Venom jumped high into the air, and away from the sonic spiders. "Oh no you don't!" Spider-Man shouted, jumping after the anti-hero. Mera quickly followed him.

Venom shot black web after black web, swinging through the city. Spider-Man and Mera used every once of strength they could to keep up with him. Losing sight of Venom again was not an option this time.

Spider-Man's mask rang once more. "Spider-Man, I'm getting reports of strange sonic noises near Harlem. You happen to know about this?" Yuri asked.

"Yes Yuri! That was me!" Spider-Man said. "Pursuing Venom!"

"Venom?! You found him?!" she asked. "Where is he?"

"Swinging through the city! Mera and I are on it!" Spider-Man said as Venom swung into the trees of Central Park.

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