Chapter 27

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Mera blinked a couple of times at Peter's statement. "We're going to.....where?" She asked with a small smile.

"I think you heard me." Peter said with a smirk.

"We're going back to Italy?" Mera asked. And then a thought occurred in her head. "Wait, we're leaving right now? We haven't even packed yet. And I don't know how long we'll be away."

"We're not leaving right now. Doctor Strange has given us the power to go and leave on our own time." Peter said. "And as far as how long we'll be away, it'll be for four weeks."

Mera's eyebrows raised at that. "Four weeks is quite a stretch Peter." she commented.

"Yes." Peter said, walking up to Mera and grabbing her hands. "But we've gone through so much trauma as of late. With Mera-Jane, Tombstone, Venom, and now Hila. I feel that we have earned the opportunity to take a break from all of this."

'That does sound nice.' Mera thought to herself. She then looked into Strange's direction. "So we can leave whenever?" she asked.

"That is correct." Strange nodded. "I'd recommend you two going home and discussing it right away."

"Will do. Thank you Stephan." Peter said nodding his head to the Master of the Mystic Arts. He put his Spider-Man mask on and the two started walking out of the Sanctum.

The heroic couple perched onto a high building to discuss their trip some more. "I think that it would be best if we handle Hila first before taking off." Mera said. "As tempting as it sounds to leave right now, I cannot feel relaxed while she still looms over us here."

"Yes I understand." Spider-Man. "I couldn't live with myself is she were to hurt someone while we weren't here."

"Neither could I." Mera said. "Plus, what will we do with Miles?"

"I actually have something planned for him." Spider-Man said. Mera quirked a brow at him. "I'll let you in on it later. Right now let's head home."

Mera then got a little bit of a mischievous smile on her face. "I'll race you there." she challenged. Spider-Man eye lenses narrowed at her challenge.

"You're on little red." Spider-Man said, as he got into his stance. But as he did, Mera put a hand behind her back and used her powers.

"Ready? Set......GO!" Spider-Man said as they both took off. Or actually Mera took off. Spider-Man found himself stuck to the ceiling due to a buildup of ice holding his feet. "You little cheat!" Spider-Man said as he broke the ice and charged towards their home.

Mera chuckled from ahead as she zoomed through the city towards the suburbs. Spider-Man was right on her heels though, point launching and web zipping seemingly effortlessly as he has done for nine years. But he had a little trick of his own up his sleeve. But he was waiting for the right moment.

If she wanted to play dirty, then so will he.

As they were approaching the exit of the city, Spider-Man then made his move. As they crossed one of the shorter buildings in the middle, Spider-Man shot a trip web onto the building just as Mera was about to pass it. The line instantly stuck to Mera and she was yanked back towards the building and webbed to it, just as a laughing Spider-Man zoomed by.

"Hey!" she shouted.

Spider-Man did not waste anytime talking smack and focused on getting back to the house. He stopped in the little hidden spot a short way from the house and changed his attire quickly before dashing inside of the house. Then we went to the couch and plopped down in a relaxed position, while waiting for Mera to show up.

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