Chapter 4

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Spider-man and Mera stood on top of a tall building that was about as tall as the penthouse, dressed in their iconic uniforms. They were surveying the area first to see who they would need to look out for. There were a few Sable agents here and there on the ground, but they never even bothered to look up.

"The coast is clear." Mera said to Spider-man. The two then leaped into the air and landed onto the roof of the penthouse and looked around. "There's nobody around." she said in shock.

"Never-the-less, let's try to be as quiet as possible." Spider-man replied. They were not going to take any chances today.

Quietly, the two snuck throughout the penthouse towards where the second giant hole was located. Oddly, no guards were around, and neither was Norman Osborn. But neither Spider-man, nor Mera was going to stop to complain about it as they advanced on the whole in the wood wall.

"Wow." Mera said as they walked through it.

On the other side of that hole was an absolute mess to say the least. There were tons upon tones of smashed items all over the room, including smashed pieces of metal and glass.

"It appears that this used to be a lab of some sorts." Spider-man said, recognizing the familiarity of the room and the damaged equipment as they walked around the room carefully.

"Yes. It appears that whatever made those holes in the walls must have gotten in here first to steal something before exiting. My only question is, why would they damage the place and just leave the way they came?" Mera asked perplexed.

"I don't think that's the case." Spider-man said, continuing to look. "I think whatever broke out originated here, in this lab."

"Oh. You know what, that actually makes a lot more sense." Mera said, mentally kicking herself for not thinking about it before.

Spider-man then came across something very interesting. On the floor, he found some kind of silver contraption that was built long and curved, based on the pieces that were left. And it seemed to have a foot shaped print on one of the sides. And then there was part of a mini rocket near the other side of the object. Putting it all together, he concluded that this was a destroyed prototype of some type of glider. And on top of that, there were little purple balls on the floor by the glider. 'Were these hand grenades of some sort? What was Norman doing with this technology? Could an advanced version of this be the reason why the lab is destroyed now?' he thought.

Absolutely none of this made sense to the web head.

"Found anything on our mysterious figure?" Mera asked on the other side of the room.

"No. Haven't found a clue. Everything here is destroyed." Spider-man said.

"Well we better get out of here. We've gotten all we could from our inspection today." Mera said. Spider-man nodded and followed Mera out of the penthouse and eventually back to the apartment.

"Well that went well." Peter said, hanging up his costume.

"I know Pete. All that was gathered from that search was that the figure originated from Norman Osborn." Mera said. Then she put on a glare as she continued to think. "Considering his past history of creations, this cannot be good at all." She added, referring to the Devil's Breath.

"Yes I know. But the scary truth is.....this figure's not our only problem." Peter said, sitting on the bed and then laying on his back. This caused Mera to look his way in alarm and come to his side. She draped an arm across his chest and laid next to him, all while keeping eye contact with those chocolate orbs.

"What else happened while I was gone?" She asked.

"Nothing. But that's not what I'm talking about." Peter said, scooting closer to Mera. "There are still those people who escaped during the prison break that have yet to resurface."

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