Chapter 20

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Spider-Man stared right into the eyes of the worst enemy he had made in the last nine years. And he couldn't hide the slight fear that set into the back of his head. But it wasn't himself he was fearing for. It was Mera that he was most concerned about.

She has yet to experience Venom and how he is wired. Venom doesn't just look to beat you, he wants to EAT you!

'Not gonna let that happen!' Spider-Man said to himself as he slowly stood up. Despite how tired he was from the fight with Tombstone, he was still gonna protect Mera.

"Parker." Venom said in a low, raspy, and almost demonic voice. "We meet again old pal."

"So this is Venom, huh?" Mera asked, getting up herself and examining the villain/anti-hero in front of her. "You weren't kidding Peter. He is disturbing." she commented.

Venom snapped in her direction. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you need to leave." Mera said. She had remembered what Peter told her about Venom specifically targeting people he cared about. She didn't want to put herself on his radar, and most importantly, she didn't want Peter to worry about her again.

"Ooh, you're scary." Venom said sarcastically. Then in the blink of an eye, his arm extended, latched onto Mera's torso, then flung her away in the distance.

"Mera!" Spider-Man shouted, but he suddenly was yanked over to Venom by a black web line. He turned around just in time to stop his momentum from going into Venom's open mouth. He kicked his way out of Venom's grip, but it took multiple kicks just to release his grip on him.

Mera, who was just flung into a nearby roof slowly got up and started to make her way back on her water scooter cyclone. She was just as tired at Spider-Man was from the battle with Tombstone, so she wasn't at her finest.

She saw Spider-Man and Venom trading punches with each other, before Venom jumped and slammed into the ground, trying to crush Spider-Man. Fortunately, Spider-Man was able to dodge at the last second. But then he was pinned down as Venom pounced on him as he landed.

Normally he would have been able to sense the attack coming, but Venom does not trigger his spider-sense. So that means that he is susceptible to being surprised. The lack of energy also did not help his situation.

Mera then landed on the roof, just before Venom could take a bite out of the web head and sent a jet of water towards him. Venom was knocked backwards away from Spider-Man, who then went back to his girlfriend's side. Venom then looked at Mera again and snarled in her direction. Venom then jumped and shot a web at the couple. They dodged out of the way quickly as Venom landed behind them on the roof of the next building.

Both Spider-Man and Mera took the opportunity to catch their breath a little bit. But they didn't have long at all, due to Venom instantly jumping back to the building they were on. Spider-Man then rushed forward, shooting a web at Venom to yank himself towards him.

However, Venom back-handed Spider-Man hard, to where he crashed into the concrete edge of the roof, taking the wind out of him temporarily. Mera then rushed to Venom.

Venom shot web balls at Mera, who was able to acrobatically dodge them all. She then got into position to kick Venom right in the face. But the villain recovered quickly, and then with unimaginable speed, grabbed Mera with his webbing, and sling her to the other side of the building. And then he shot more webs at her to keep her from interfering.

"This webbing is even stronger than Peter's!" Mera said as she struggled to break the black webbing encasing her.

Venom, then turned towards Spider-Man, his tongue sticking out and a nasty snarl on his face, which was now set in a malicious smile. Spider-Man could feel fatigue overwhelming him to the point where he could barely move. He hardly lifted his head up before he noticed that Venom was about four feet away from him, with those hideous sharp teeth gleaming in the light.

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