Chapter 28

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Spider-Man quickly jumped out of the way of another blast of water. The water knocked off a plant that was on the window seal of the building.

"I get that plants need water and all, but you're overdoing it." Spider-Man quipped to the hovering Atlantean above him.

Siren just stormed right towards the web head, raising her arms out as she landed on the building that Spider-Man was on. The water that she hovered on had swarmed its way to Spider-Man.

Before he knew it, Spider-Man was entrapped in a hovering ball of water, gasping for air. Squirming around, he tried to move to get out of the water, but was suspended in the center of it as it levitated off the roof and into the air.

"Not cracking any jokes now.....Are you?" Siren said with a wide smirk on her face.

Spider-Man was running out of air quickly. He looked left and right for any sign of an escape from Siren's clutches. And then he looked down at the roof and an idea quickly formed in his head. Aiming down at in the direction of the roof, he shot a web at it. The second it made contact, Spider-Man used every ounce of his strength and breath left and yanked on it.

In a flash, he bursts right out of the ball of water and onto the ground, taking deep breaths of air. Siren looked flabbergasted at what she just saw. It appeared to the webbed hero that she had severely underestimated him. Spider-Man used this moment of shock to his advantage and launched a missile kick straight at Siren.

The attack forced the villain through a brick wall and land on a poster on a building a few blocks from where she just was. Siren then apparently snapped out of her shocked trace and went straight back to her anger phase.

"You little insect!" she roared out, streaking towards Spider-Man once more. She took a swipe at him, who ducked under the attack. He then leaped again to avoid another punch from her.

"Aw, there are the insect insults!" Spider-Man said. "It's only a matter of time before you stared saying them yourself. Welcome to the club! The other bad guys would have a blast creating insults with you." Then he threw a couple of punches of his own at Siren. One of them hit her shoulder. But she caught the second one in her hand.

"SHUT UP!!!" Siren said, backhanding Spider-Man with enough force to take him halfway across the city.

Flailing around uncontrollably, Spider-Man tried to gauge which direction to shoot his web to catch himself. But then every thing stopped and the wind stopped rippling around his head. Confused, Spider-Man looked around until he saw a familiar sighting of red hair in the corner of his eye.

He turned and saw that Mera had caught him in mid-air while she was hovering on her water cyclone. "You okay?" she asked with concern. Spider-Man grinned under his mask.

"Loads better now that you're here." Spider-Man said. Mera blushed at his comment. But she regained her seriousness when Siren came into her sights.

"Ah, Mera!" Siren called out with a wicked grin.

"Hila." Mera said with a glare as she set Spider-Man down on the side of the nearest skyscraper.

"I was gonna go after the spider brat here, but you'll do." Siren said, raising her hands.

Ice shards came flying out of her cyclone and headed towards the heroic couple. Mera used her powers to knock any away from her. Spider-Man on the other hand had to dodge them all on his own. And unfortunately, one shard cut a deep gash in the inside part of his thigh.

He grunted on pain as he landed. He could hardly put any weight on his leg at all due to the pain.

"One out of two isn't too bad." Siren said with a smirk. Mera was confused until she heard Spider-Man's grunting behind her. She saw his injured leg, and rage immediately boiled through her.

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