Chapter 12

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Mera was currently at the bottom of the ocean, looking for pearls for the new house. And much to her misfortune, the king of Atlantis had traveled with her on her pearl hunt.

"So you are trying to find pearls for a new house?" Arthur asked, while searching the ocean sand and rocks for any clams.

"Yes Arthur." Mera answered. She then sharply inhaled at the little kick she felt inside of her stomach. 'The little one is just as feisty as her mother.' she thought to herself with a bit of a smile.

"Thinking about your baby?" Arthur asked, swimming over in front of Mera. She nodded, her smile still etched onto her face and her eyes containing so much mirth.

"I'm so excited Arthur!" she exclaimed. "The wheels in my head are turning of what we will do with her once she arrives." Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a clam sitting on one of the rocks and swiftly swam up to it and opened it with ease. There, sitting in its mouth was a shiny white pearl. "Perfect!" Mera said, taking the bag that was on her back and placing the pearl in there.

"You know...." Arthur spoke up, floating closer to Mera. "Your father told me what happened the last time you and Peter were down here." Mera closed her eyes in annoyance, knowing where this was headed. "Considering that you are pregnant that was a very stupid move in my view."

"Nobody asked for your opinion Arthur." Mera snapped, suddenly turning towards the king.

"I would think someone as smart as you would be more careful on handling yourself and your baby." Arthur said, not fazed one bit by the dark look that Mera was giving him.

"Don't start with me. I'm pregnant, not helpless." Mera said. As Arthur analyzed her last sentence, his expression morphed into realization.

"So that's it." he said. "You're trying to prove that you can handle yourself and still carry your child."

"Yes. I don't feel like myself when I sit around and let others do work for me. I do it myself. If only Peter could understand that." Mera said, shaking her head as she looked down looking for more pearls.

"He's just concerned for you and your daughter." Arthur said. "I know I would be if it were me."

"As would I." a new voice came from above them. Mera didn't need to look to see who it was.

"Eavesdropping father?" she asked, looking up to meet her father's gaze. He simply floated down to her level and cleared his throat with a slight smile on his face.

"It's a habit that parents have. You'll soon see for yourself." he said. But then his face turned more strict as he continued. "But Arthur is right, you do need to be more considerate of your actions. It's not just you that you are looking out for anymore."

"Told you." Arthur said with a smirk from behind the princess. Mera gritted her teeth in annoyance at Arthur, and was about to lash a stream of water at him. But luckily, for Arthur that is, Nereus spoke up before she had the chance.

"Your highness, there are a couple of diplomats from the Fisherman kingdom here to see you. They are waiting in your throne room as we speak." he said.

"Alright." Arthur said with a nod and floated away from the couple.

"Mera, you need to be more considerate of your actions. They just might benefit you and your personality, but they may not benefit the ones around you. This includes Peter." Nereus said.

"I am being considerate with my actions. I'm not putting myself in the line of fire, but I'm still fighting." Mera said, swimming off. "Besides, Atlanteans have an edge of durability over humans." she added.

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