Meeting New People

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*Warning- pay close attention to the POV ' s they will be changing*

Jessica POV

"Your moving with your brother." is the only thing in my head. I don't know if I'm happy, mad, or sad. I should be happy but some of me isn't for some unknown reason. It's just blank. I go to my room and sleep. Good thing my bed is still here.


Next day

I woke up remembering everything! It's 12:45 p.m. so I grab my clothes from my suitcase and took a shower. When I got out of the shower I brushed my teeth, put a little make-up on (I don't wear that much just mascara and liner) and straighten my hair. I put on black jeans, a red muscle tee that says "I Hate People" in white, and black and white converse. I go downstairs to eat breakfast. I quickly eat in silence. When I finished my mom and I start putting my stuff in my black toyota and I'm off to Cam's place.

Cameron POV

I'm so excited to see my sister!!! I haven't talked or seen her since I left. I wonder if she changed. *(author note: Cameron knows anything about Jessica change)* I cleaned the entire apartment. Of course with the help of friends. I had Nash, Hayes, Carter and Tati come over and made sure they were on their best behavior. By the way Tati is our new friend. Carter introduce her to us a while back. She's really nice and caring, funny and at some point she can be shy. And she's good at shooting hoops.

"We're not kids relax everything is going to be alright." Nash said

We all hear a car door slam. I freak out fixing the pillows while saying "She's here! She's here! She's here!" I see Tati walk over to me and stop me by putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down. It's going to be okay. Carter and I will go help her with her stuff." Tati says quietly. Sometimes Tati is really good at calming people down.

"Thanks" I said and hugged her and Carter and Tati walk out to help Jess.

Jessica POV

I have half my stuff out the car and on the the sidewalk. I then see a girl and boy approach me.

"Hi! I'm Tatiana but call me Tati for short!" Tati said

"And I'm Carter! We're friends of Cameron and we will be helping you with your stuff." Carter said

"Thanks!" I say with a fake happy tone. Tati and Carter start grabbing my stuff and go. Ten minutes later of putting in the apartment I walk in with the last box. Everybody stares at me taking in my appearance. Cameron is mixed with happy and confusion. Everybody else has shocked faces. "Hilarious" I thought. Well, except for Carter and Tati. They're just smiling and I have a feeling me and Tati will be great friends. I also like her style. She's wearing a black and white muscle tee that says "I'm Lost In The Music" with converse and skinny jeans.

"Hey guys." I said so people can start talking.

Cam walks up to me and hugs me saying "I missed you sooo much!" At first I didn't hug back and then I did because I have to admit I miss him myself. I wanted to cry but I didn't. He let's go and said "You changed alot... but you still look amazing!" He quickly added the last part. Cam introduced everybody to me and everybody introduced themselves.

"I'm Hayes! Nice to meet you Jessica. And I'm 14 years old."Hayes said

"Hey, I'm Nash! I'm Hayes older brother. Nice to meet you Jess. If that's okay if I call you that because if it's not I won't ca-" "It's fine Nash! I'd like that!" I interrupted.

"Okay and I'm 16 years old." Nash said. He was blushing which was cute. And his eyes are so blue it's like the ocean. I know that sounded stupid but I don't care. Snap out of it Jess. You just met him and I'm pretty sure that Cameron's best friend. I thought.

"Nice to meet you Jessica. You already know my name, I'm 18 and I'm Tati's boyfriend." Carter said making Tati and himself smiling like crazy.

"Hey! Nice to meet you! You also know my name and I'm 17." Tati said

Tati POV

Nash and Hayes helped Jessica put her stuff in her room while the rest of us talk about Jessica. Nothing bad.

"How did my sister turn out to look like this! I mean the appearance I'm fine with but at 15!!" Cameron whisper yelled. I actually like her style, hair, and I think her tattoos are awesome!!!! I always wanted one but maybe on my 18th birthday. I thought

"Yes, she changed a lot but maybe she's going to through some phases. I think we will become great friends!" I tell him

"What if its not! What if it's because I left!" He whisper yelled some more.

"Relax. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." Carter said. How much this boy kills me! He's so positive and cool to hang with. Focus! After our talk Carter and I said our goodbyes we left.

*skip drive home*

When we arrived I run straight for the door with Carter chasing after me. I unlock the door and someone grabs me by my waist. Carter.

Carter POV

I carry her into the house with her laughing and I head straight to the bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and said "I love you!" She smiles and said "I love you too! " I kiss her on the lips and she kisses back. This kiss was slow and passionate. I pecked her lips one more time and we start blushing and smiling.

We stayed in bed taking pictures and watching tv. She starts getting up and I grab her wrist wanting her to stay. "I'm just getting a little pretzel package. Do you want one?" She said. I nod my head and she left. I decided to make a vine scaring her. I jump out of bed to close the door. I hear her coming so I quickly grab my phone, hide my phone and start vining. "BOO" I said loudly as soon as she opens the door. She screams and drops the pretzels.

I laughed my ass off while posting it. She grabs the pretzels and goes to the bed playfully try to act mad. I join her and say "sorry" with a puppy dog face. She accepted my apology and gave me a peck kiss on the cheek.

It was 10pm and I can tell Tati's tired. I kiss her forehead and say "Goodnight babe.". She responds with a "Goodnight" and puts her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her waist and we both fall asleep.


Thank you so much for reading this book!!! I know I didn't get that much but 48 or more is still good for me.

Thanks guys and I will see you next time!!!

Cam's Rebel Sister ***(MAJOR EDITING)***Where stories live. Discover now