Beach Date (only Cam's)

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*Two days later of coming home*


It's been two days since the Magcon. Yesterday we just did a lazy day. Today, which is Tuesday, I'm deciding to take Gabby on a date. It's 9am and Gabby is still asleep. I go downstairs and make her breakfast. I made eggs, toast, and bacon. I made myself some and ate at the counter. I grabbed a tray, put the food on the tray and headed to the room.

Gabby POV

I woke up and Cameron wasn't next to me. I got up and did my morning routine and went back to bed. I didn't change since we won't probably do anything today.

Cameron came with a tray of food.

"Good morning." Cam said

"Good morning." I said

"I made you breakfast beautiful." Cam said

"Thank you" I said

I noticed a card and started to read it. It said "Will you go on a date with me? -Cameron". Awww, he wants to take me on a date. I looked up at him with a smile on my face and said yes.

"Yesss! Okay when your done eating put your bathing suit on because I'm taking you on a beach date." He told me and I simply nodded

Cam left to go get dress I'm guessing. After I finished eating I put on my strapless floral biniki top and matching bottoms. Over it I put on a black spaghetti strap shirt and shorts that go to my mid thigh with white flowers on them. I put on sunblock, grab my phone, charger, ear buds, a towel, a bag with some snacks, and my sunglasses.

Cameron was already downstairs with his stuff and we headed out. Cameron was wearing is swimming trunks, a black vans shirt and his Cameron Dallas sweater shirt in his bag.

By the time we got there it was 11am.


We arrived at the beach and it was already sunny. "Gabby looked so cute in her outfit especially her shorts." I thought. Their were only a few people here. We found a spot and settled down. I took off my shirt and I saw Gabby staring.

"Like what you see?" I said chuckling

"Shut up" She told while looking at the floor and blushing like crazy

Gabby started taking off her clothes. "She looked so hot in her biniki"

"Like what you see?" Gabby said laughing

I noticed I was staring myself and started blushing. We decided to just talk, eat snacks and tell jokes before we swim. A hour has pasted and now it's 12pm.

I asked Gabby if she wanted to swim but she said later. I've been swimming by myself for 30 minutes and Gabby still hasn't gotten up. I decided to go sneak up on Gabby, pick her up, and throw her in the ocean.

"Gabby are you coming now?" I asked

"In a bit. I want to grow a tan." She said

"It's been a hour and an half already." I whined

"Just one more minute." She said

"No! Now!" I said quietly so only she can hear. Now here comes my plan. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder running to the ocean.

"Nooo! Cam up me down." She said while giggling

"No way!" I said while chuckling

Once we were in ocean I threw her in.

"You're lucky you're cute." She said

"Well thank you" I replied

We started playing with each other. Splashing each other and swimming. It was 7 by the time we got out. We dried ourselves, put our clothes on and started walking down the beach hand in hand.

Gabby POV

"This date is so wonderful. I'm lucky I have a guy like Cameron." I thought

Me and Cameron are walking on the beach hand in hand. It started to get cold and I shivered. I didn't even bring a jacket. I guess Cam noticed because he asked if I was cold. I nodded and he handed me his sweatshirt. He's so sweet.

"Thank you" I said

"Anything for my beautiful girlfriend." He said

"Well, thank you for the compliment." I said blushing

My stomach started to growl. I'm hungry I told Cam. He said he was too so we headed back to our spot. We decided to go get McDonald's.

*skip drive to McDonald's*

We got out and headed in. Their wasn't that many people here. We got in line and ordered.

"Hi! I'm Elizabeth and what would you like to order?" Liz asked

"I'll take a McChicken sandwich, a medium sized fries and a medium size drink please." I said

"I'll have the same except I want a double cheese burger please." Cameron ordered

"Okay! And that will be $10.95 please." Liz said

I was going to pay but Cam beat me to it.

"I was going to pay." I said

"No, I'm paying. My treat." I said

"But you are already taking me on this wonderful date." I said

"Really! You think this date is wonderful?" He said/asked

"Of course. Especially since it is with you." I said

"Good. I love you." He said

"I love you too." I said

He got up, gave me a short sweet kiss and went to go get our food. We finished our food and headed out.

*skip drive home*

We got out and headed to the door. Before Cameron opened the door he paused.

"What's wro-" I was cut off by Cam smashing his lips against mine. At first I was shocked and then kissed back. It so turned into a make out session. We stopped catching our breaths.

"We should go inside. It's getting cold out here." I said and he nodded.

We both took quick showers and went to bed. Cam was already in bed when I got in. My back was facing him. I felt two arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Goodnight babe" Cameron said

"Goodnight" I said while yawning

And with that I fell asleep thinking of my wonderful boyfriend and our date.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm so proud of myself!!! I can't believe I got so many reads!!! I didn't know people would actually read my story. Thanks for the reads. Comment and vote. Love you, bye.

Cam's Rebel Sister ***(MAJOR EDITING)***Where stories live. Discover now