My Story

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Just to let you know this chapter is only about Jessica's story


Jessica POV

I take a deep breath and begin. Me and Cameron were very close. We told each other everything and had each others back. Then he started making vines and one day he had to go away. I cried when I found out. I stayed in my room for days crying and depressed. I couldn't even eat. Then a week later I told myself I didn't need him. I changed and I went to my first party that day.

I had my first drink at that party. Once I drank my first cup I felt relaxed. Like I had no worries. I went to a bunch of other parties. Mostly everyday. Then I got my hair dyed and all these tattoos, I said while touching my hair and arms.

I thought about writing you letters or calling. But I didn't have the courage to do it. I thought what would happen if I called. It ended up has Cam and me yelling at each other. Or me crying and hanging up on you.

I started dating some guys but ended up breaking up with them because all they wanted was to have sex with me or their just not type. I never even liked them. Our relationship only lasted about three to five days.

So enough with that story. Let's talk about what I like and don't like. I like pop and R&B music. Least favorite country. Favorite fruit is apples and pineapple. I like to wear jeans but sweats are my favorite clothing. Skirts not so much but I do wear them sometimes. Hoodies' are my second favorite clothing. I'm good at shooting hoops. I get bitchy when I'm hungry. I like sushi, favorite food is Mexican and Chinese food and I don't like avocado. My favorite shows are Law & Order:SVU, Spongebob, Teen Titans Go!, American Horror Story, and of course Teen Wolf. My favorite character from each show are detective Benson, Patrick and Spongebob, Starfire and Robin, Evan Peters, and Dylan O'brien. Like who wouldn't love Dylan O'brien and Evan Peters. "It seemed like Tati agreed with me on what I liked because she nodded at everything and the fact she told me some of those things." I thought

Everyone was silent for a while. Then flashbacks from my whole story came in mind. I wanted to cry so I ran out the room and to my room. I heard Cam getting mad which made me cry even more and Tati calling my name. When I was about to close the door but Nash came in. He asked me if I was okay. I was crying so I just nodded my head no. He walked up to me and embraced me in a big hug. I hugged him back now softly crying on his shoulder. "I hope he doesn't get mad." I thought. I said sorry and he told me there's nothing for me to be sorry about.

Nash picked me up and carried me to my bed. He was going to leave so I asked him if he can stay and he said yes. He climbed in bed with me and pulled the covers up to our waist. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his chest. Nash wrapped one arm around my waist and the other petting my head whispering soothing things to me. We just stayed that for a while. I felt safe in Nash's arms. He cared so much for me. I think I'm falling for him. And with that me and Nash fell asleep.


Just to let you know I will try to post more often. It's just I busy like every single day. I get a much a homework all the time, chores everyday and I help take care of my siblings. I most likely will update on weekends or Fridays maybe on weekdays so yeah. And sorry if this chapter is short. Love you... bye

- Tati ❤

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